Limping, Puffed Up Hen, Behavioral Changes


Jul 19, 2019
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA
Hi everyone. Lots of things going on with my 2.5 year old Buff Orpington hen, this is a long post:

1. She has had a bad limp for about 1 month. Still eating, drinking, pooping, and laying an egg every other day, up until yesterday. I put her in a large dog crate within our run for a few days (Thurs, Fri, and Saturday AM only, with no improvement for the limp). I believe on Thursday or Friday she was pecked by someone while in the crate, because her comb was all bloodied and bleeding (I treated with Vetricyn and Blue-Kote). I think this is where the sudden problems started.

2. Before putting her in the crate, I would let her lay in the coop nesting boxes, which she did. On Saturday, I decided to keep her in the crate all day, putting a portable nesting box in there for her. I put her in at 8am, and at 11am I come out to check on her to find her panting, pacing, butthole pulsing, and all puffed up. I immediately open the crate and she runs into the coop, sits in a dark corner on the floor (not in a nesting box), and sits there without laying for over 1 hour.

3. I panic, thinking she is egg bound, I can feel the egg inside with a gloved, lubricated finger. Proceed to epsom salt soak her for 15min, administer 2 mint Tums hidden inside blueberries, and after 30min, put her back in the coop where she lays an egg on the floor.

4. After she leaves the coop, she and my other 4 hens all start fighting with each other, ripping neck feathers out, getting all puffed up near certain other hens. I’ve never ever witnessed something like this, as they have all been raised with one another. I should mention as well that we just put our 10-week old chicks into their “transition” pen within our run, so that the adult hens can see them but not hurt them. Chicks have been in there for about 1 week now.

5. Today, my Buffy has been just sitting in the corner of the coop where she laid the egg yesterday for almost 5 hours now. No egg, no panting/puffiness/pulsing like yesterday, just sitting. I honestly don’t think she is broody, as she doesn’t puff up or screech when I go to pet her. I picked her up and put her outside where she pooped, the ran under our truck, the slowly came out and started eating grass. I took her back into the pen where she puffed up her neck feathers when the top hen (Barred Rock) cane close to her and the she ran away back into the coop where she is just sitting again as I write this.

I have no idea what is going on since all this seemingly happened overnight. Everything was fine as far as I could tell with behavior. They were all getting along prior to me putting my Buff in the crate. My Buff is/was 2nd in the pecking order and that still seems to be the case because she was fighting with the lower hens yesterday after she laid.

Any thoughts or advice on this?? Anything I’m doing wrong?? I’m really stressed about my chickens, my poor hubby can attest to this.

Thank you in advance for your help!
Wow, lots going on.

For the limp, have you checked her feet (top and bottom) as well as legs? See anything weird, abnormal, different between the two sides?

The crate you had her in, was this open wire or more of the solid plastic type? Was the crate in the coop or run with the other chickens? If the crate wasn't in the run or had walls that were too solid, the flock might've started forgetting her so that could be another reason for all the conflict.

She was possibly eggbound, but I doubt it - sounds more like she was so stressed that she tried to hold on to the egg, and then couldn't un-stress enough to properly lay like normal. :confused:

She could be thinking of going broody, which would upset the others, or she could've been attacked because she hasn't been feeling well lately and the flock doesn't want a sick bird around. Or the presence of the chicks could be doing something weird to upset the flock, who knows?
Wow, lots going on.

For the limp, have you checked her feet (top and bottom) as well as legs? See anything weird, abnormal, different between the two sides?

The crate you had her in, was this open wire or more of the solid plastic type? Was the crate in the coop or run with the other chickens? If the crate wasn't in the run or had walls that were too solid, the flock might've started forgetting her so that could be another reason for all the conflict.

She was possibly eggbound, but I doubt it - sounds more like she was so stressed that she tried to hold on to the egg, and then couldn't un-stress enough to properly lay like normal. :confused:

She could be thinking of going broody, which would upset the others, or she could've been attacked because she hasn't been feeling well lately and the flock doesn't want a sick bird around. Or the presence of the chicks could be doing something weird to upset the flock, who knows?
Hi there - thanks for the reply. Yes, lots going on.
For the limp - I have checked everything, top, bottom, sides, webbing, legs, hock, etc. Nothing abnormal that I could tell between the limp leg/foot and the good leg/foot. No bumblefoot either.

The crate was an open wire dog crate with a solid bottom. I covered a quarter of it with a blanket to provide some shade and darkness around the portable nesting box. The food/water was at the open end and other chickens were eating out of it through the crate with my Buff eating towards the inside. They could completely see her and would even sit next to the crate.

I don't think she was broody. I think the other flock members have finally realized that Buff is injured and want to single her out. This morning (Monday), I took her out into the pen and she was fighting with a few other hens. Buff was/is #2 and I think the pecking order is being reestablished. Barred Rock (#1) kept chasing her, pinned her down, pulled neck feathers. EE (#4) spurred her and pulled some feathers. Wyandotte (#3) quickly ran away from Buff after Buff tried to attack her. CaliWhite (#5) is too fast and agile to get attacked, haha.

I think with hormones this time of year, new chicks, an injury that won't heal, and not free ranging as much due to 5 hawks always hovering around the pen are upsetting them. It's really scary for me, as this seemingly happened overnight.
I think with hormones this time of year, new chicks, an injury that won't heal, and not free ranging as much due to 5 hawks always hovering around the pen are upsetting them. It's really scary for me, as this seemingly happened overnight.
How much space in coop and run?
Sudden confinement can definitely increase stress,
especially coupled with all the other stressors going on.
Pics would help here.
Here's some 'enrichment' ideas...might help to distract them
How much space in coop and run?
Sudden confinement can definitely increase stress,
especially coupled with all the other stressors going on.
Pics would help here.
Here's some 'enrichment' ideas...might help to distract them
Hi aart. Thank you for your reply.

Here are some attached photos of the coop/run and a schematic drawing (not to scale). Our run has a total area of 16ft by 32ft (512 square feet) that has recently been sectioned off for our chick transition area (see photos and drawing).

The 5 adult hens have been living in this set-up for almost 2.5 years with no issues. The chick transition area was just introduced recently, so that might be causing some issues. I will read the cluttered run article and make some adjustments to their space to create more "play areas". I do put in bagged grass clippings when I cut the grass weekly and save table/fruit/veg scraps for them weekly as well. We have plenty of logs/pallets/etc. that we can use to add playground space to their run.

Do you have any other ideas or suggestions for the run/coop?
Coop and Run.jpg
Inside Chick Transition Area.jpg
Inside Coop.jpg
Inside Run.jpg
Log Playground Area.jpg
Open Area with Dirt Bath.jpg
Schematic Run Drawing - Not to Scale.jpg
Yeah I'm stumped. It's a real good coop and run space you have there, and it has a good amount of "stuff" - I don't see any reason for the hens to be fighting over space. Even with adding chicks, that shouldn't be enough to suddenly cause them to all lose their minds over the one hen.
Yeah I'm stumped. It's a real good coop and run space you have there, and it has a good amount of "stuff" - I don't see any reason for the hens to be fighting over space. Even with adding chicks, that shouldn't be enough to suddenly cause them to all lose their minds over the one hen.
It seems after watching them all today that the Barred Rock (top hen) has become a bully or something. BR attacked my Buff multiple times today, mounting, spurs, neck feather pulling, no rhyme or reason either. Not over food/water, etc. it would be random attacks.
When I would take the BR out of the coop/run completely, my Buff would go right back to being happy and not scared. I will keep monitoring, but I may try to separate the BR for a few days and see what happens.

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