Little Giant Hatch Along

Well, it's quitting time, and no realy changes in the eggs here. Still silent, still, and closed. I'm having a hard time keeping my humidty up. Doing my best and hoping for the best.

I'm heading on home now. Hopefully something will happen over night.
8 in the brooder now. Turns out that I indeed have 2 banty chicks, which excites me. Rest are standards. 9 more in the bator, getting nervous about that. No pip's. Then I got a dozen due about thursday. Considering the nervousness, this is all very addictive
Hi!!! I have 3 pips and we are on day 20!!! I do have a question, one egg has a large pip, and I saw it happen, the chick peeped, I saw the beak, but there is so much yellowish liquid, and now its not moving. I know its normal to rest, but is the liquid in the shell normal?? I have heard of them drowning but I dont understand exactly how? Its gonna be a long night!! I am standing at the incubator and cant move away!!! lol
I am using a few moist paper towels rolled up on the side of my turner for now. But when i lock it down i am going toput a moist sponge inside after removing turner to really boost humidity.
That is so exciting. How many did you end up with and are they all out?

We post pictures here....just sayin'

We now have 19 chicks. 3 Welsummers and 16 French Black Copper Marans. We started with 24 BCM eggs and 4 Welsummer eggs. Found 3 that were no good early on, and had ? on 5 others. Those 5 were quitters, opened them up and they looked like they developed to day 10. I have no idea what went wrong, I had some temp spikes between day 11-14, so maybe they got cooked.
We had one baby who hatched over night and they were already dead in the incubator when I got up.
It was one of my welsummer chicks. He was still attached to his shell and it looked like he'd tried to pull away from it and it bled. Maybe one of the other chicks stepped on him, I'm not sure.

Other than that, I couldn't believe how fast it all went. They were pipping last night around 5:30, the first chick unzipped around nine and they keep hatching all night long. The last little baby hatched around 10 this morning. They all seem healthy, and everyone is up on there feet and stumbling around. They really are the cutest little babies, and my BCM chicks surprised me by being born with little legs all feathered out. I thought the feathers grew as they got older, but these little babies all have them.

Now for photo's, lol. How do I post them? Me and the kiddo took tons of pic's, from the first pip, to them unzipping and everything in-between and after. I'm going to look for a thread on how to post, and we'll get photo's up tonight:)

~*~ On a side note, I must say I didn't expect as many eggs to hatch as did. I've read a lot of people saying LG's are junk, nothing hatches, blah, blah, blah........this was my first time hatching, Used an LG, and ended up with 19 chicks out of 28. 3 were unfertile, and I only lost 5. I consider that a good hatch rate, especially for a beginner
Thank you, I think there the cutest chicks ever
Must be a new chicken momma thing, lol.

Good Luck on your new babies

Got into work, and nothing yet.

REALLY REALLY hoping for chicks today! Would have been such a relief to see some.

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