Little Giant Hatch Along

Thank you, I think there the cutest chicks ever
Must be a new chicken momma thing, lol.

Good Luck on your new babies

Beautiful babies and thanks for posting pictures!!

I too hatched with an LG. I think the big problem is the thermometers. I have set another incubator full that is on day two. I have three thermometers in it. Two aquarium and one is the therm that came with the LG. It was the one closest to the readings on the others. It seems to be staying steady. AND....I ordered an egg o meter to put in when I go into lockdown.

The other thing is having the incubator some place where there are not any drafts because I think the incubator is really affected by outside temps. I also wrapped mine in a couple of big towels just to help keep the heat in. Right now it is in my big bathroom with the no problem with drafts there....nice and warm!
I apologize for not keeping up all along, but here are my babies currently hatching in my LG bator.. I set 32 eggs, 30 went into lockdown, I had 7 chicks this morning with 2 zips and numerous more pips! I can't wait to get home this afternoon and see what else has "popped up" ...



Texasgal--thanks for the pictures! I had no idea I could put the egg carton into the LG. Mine are just loose. I will do that now.

Just trying to get it all figured out here in Austin....I wonder where you are?
I'm in Montgomery .. NW of Houston. I cut the bottom out of each cup and then cut the carton down a little lower than nomal.. this allows the eggs to get good air cirulation around them, and allows for a little movement when the chick positions itself for pip and zip ... I like hatching like this. They pop the top, and then sit in the egg and rest ..
I have been using my lg now on day 6. I'm counting the day I set them as I'm journaling the process so if I mess up my first try, I can look back and see what I did that maybe was wrong. I am having a problem now since this past sat. with the temps. I have 3 aquarium thermos & 1 thermo/hydrometer combo. All 4 are registering something different. The left front one reads 102, the left rear one reads 96-97, both aquarium thermos. The front right one reads 100, also an aquarium thermo. The back right one, the thermo/hydro reads 98. I had one plug in the whole time, but put the other one in about 12:30am today. No diff. I had some issues on sat. nite, when one of the temps read 105. It wasn't that for long as I was keeping a close watch out. I also marked my dial when my temps were holding steady at 100. So on sat nite I kinda panicked and pulled the plug out and turned the dial just a hair, readjusted it, until I finally got it pretty steady and have not done anything since. I'm going to leave it alone, but are my temps ok? I'm quite confused about the diff readings I'm getting, when the first few days they all were holding steady at 100. I have tried to keep them at different levels, but only 2 of them are setting differently. I didn't mention that my dh installed a fan for me, so it is running. Any suggestions?
Well my first hatch is complete! I had set 29 eggs, 24 made it to lockdown and I ended up with 18 chicks! Not bad for my first try!! 4 out of 5 of the silkies hatched and are doing great! I will be keeping up with this thread, and I have a few eggs set to hatch next week and then the first week of may, so please everyone keep posting!!! Good luck!!
I just noticed something, does someone the eggs absorb more moisture as they near hatch?
We are in lockdown and it seems that the water is disappearing faster. Supposed to be hatch day
today and I filled the channels this morning and also yesterday afternoon, and it is 100 per cent humidity outside, has been pouring all day... and I even have the furnace turned down some trying to take advantage of the humidity..nothing is happening as of this morning but I am not going near there til later. I am not going to dare hope til it happens...I think these will be miracle eggs if they hatch.
I just set 32 eggs in my LG. I'm thinking of trying the dry hatch method...currently 40% humidity in my incubator (did not add any water). I don't plan on opening the incubator until day 18...when I may candle or may not....and then will add wet towels to get humidity over 60%. How many people have tried the dry hatch with success?
All things considering not a bad hatch so far. Out of the first 17 I had 9 hatch. Have a dozen due on thursday now and think I saw an egg rocking. Could of been 11 out of 17 but some of the after birth stuck some of the eggs to the bottom. All this after I had the plug come partially unplugged from the wall on day 16

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