Living life on the edge (of the incubator) hatch-a-long

I only use the foam ones or the clear plastic ones. I was personally afraid that the cardboard/paper pulp ones would suck all the humidity out of the air which is why I don't use them. However, I have not actually tried that kind in the incubator so I don't know for sure that they would really do that!

Not at all! 😁
Look at them go!
I have a question for those who have hatched shipped eggs. They have been upright in the Brinsea this whole time, the air cells were quite jiggly when I got the eggs. Is it OK to lay them on their sides to hatch, or should I use an egg crate or small rope to hold them upright to hatch?
I just laid mine on their sides. I've done that on all of them as I figured if in 18 days they don't know which end is up yet, they never will. ☺️
I'm so excited watching this thread..😃
I hatched with my manna pro nurture and I had them laying on their sides, and everyone was fine.. you have to think when the momma hen is laying on them, surely some will be laying sideways. Wishing you a healthy hatch 😁
Thank you!

My question on the hatching position is from hatching shipped eggs for the first time. I've had them air cell up the whole time so I wasn't sure if it would be bad for them to get moved to being on their side now.
Mine were also shipped from an eBay auction.. I took out the round center rotation piece, and I placed a piece of drawer liner, under the eggs before lockdown the chicks would have a soft, but gripping surface to get them up and walking safely.. it worked very well. The liner had little holes to allow air flow, and any mess to neatly pass threw .

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