

In the Brooder
6 Years
May 19, 2013
I'm looking into pigeons and was trying to think up a loft design so i was wondering if anybody here had pics of theres loft just for ideas.



I don't have anything too special! I've made everything myself (not bat for a 15 year old, eh) and have done a lot of remodeling sense these pics were taken! I currently house 20 pigeons in my loft.
Mostly just as a hobby! Just started in December and have already had four successful hatches! I have homers (none can fly right now other than the one with a broken wing seen by the red shelf thing), white kings (for meat, kinda interbreeding with my performers) and a few rollers and tumblers.
I didn't want to take up unnecessary space by starting a new thread with loft design questions. I've raised chickens for much of my life, and have held an interest in pigeons for awhile, but not taking the initiative. I have searched for literature on loft design and want to build a small loft big enough to walk into to tend to a small number of birds comfortably. Not much luck in my search, so I'd like to know if any experienced folks have book recommendations. Thank you.

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