Lone hen outside and seven, 3-1/2 week olds in the brooder


11 Years
Jan 4, 2010
Maine ~ 4 chicken years
The other day we let our four, one year olds out to free range. During that time, three of the four disappeared. When I looked for them, I found one of them dead and the rest still missing with feathers here and there. Apparently a fox visited while they were ranging at the woods edge. Dang it all!
I am so sad about this! I blame myself for not watching them like I should have been.
Now I have one lone hen, an SLW. She is not the friendliest to people, just seems to shy away from us and always has. I think that's why she didn't get taken by the fox, she's really chicken of everything! no pun intended, bahahahha!

I also have seven pullets in the brooder almost 4 weeks old that I was going to integrate this summer with the big girls.
My question is, do you think I can put the pullets in the coop with the one lone hen when they are 4 weeks(at the end of this week)? Of course they are still little and just barely feathering out.
I feel so bad for the lone hen, she seems so lonely these past two days. The first night, she went to HER part of the roost, she WAS the low ranking hen. Lastnight I opened the run to let her free range and she eventually came out. She didn't stay out long, and went into the coop early (way before dusk). When I checked on her later, I noticed she was in the spot the number one hen used to roost on.
Do you think she would get along with the pullets? She has never become broody, but she is a broody breed.
If not, how long should I wait? I don't want her to be lonely, but I also don't want to lose any of the pullets.
So what do you think??
You know, I think you might get away with it, because you have more little ones, and because your lone big one was not real dominant. However, she will probably be dominant over these little ones. I think I would try it, but keep an eye on them. Make sure there are escapes for the little ones to get to out of her reach. And have a couple of feeders, but I think I would give it a try.

Think how sweet it is going to be if it does work. MrsK
Thank you so much for your reply Mrs.K, I really appreciate it. I was hoping I would hear that from someone! I'm gonna go for it, this weekend. I will set up a couple of spots they can get away from her if they need to. It will be SWEET if it works!!! Wish me luck! And Thanks Again!
Update: The pullets are doing pretty good with the lone hen. At first I didn't think it was going to work because of how she was looking at them, kinda mean, but curious. I started them off in the coop without her in it, which is connected to their run. When she walked into the coop and saw them, she charged at them all puffed out. At that point I really didn't think it was going to work out, of course they were scared to death from her actions. I yelled at her at that point and she stopped.
I continued to watch her without her knowing and she seemed to be okay. She did a little pecking, which the chicks really disliked, screams and all. But she didn't have any feathers in her beak and it didn't look too bad, almost like a warning- no feathers, no blood.
So now after them being together for two days and nights, I don't feel quite as worried. She seems to be accepting them, although she has become VERY vocal since, pacing back and forth in the run, wanting out of there.
The main problem now is getting all of them in the coop at night. I have to corral the pullets in after she goes in, they won't go in on their own. I'm sure they'll get the hang of the night thing eventually. I feel very fortunate that this is working out!

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