Lonely pot belly pig


6 Years
Dec 30, 2013
I have a male PBP that I adopted almost a year ago. He lives in the barn and has a great life, with the exception of one thing... Another pig for companionship. I've been looking for a good match for him, but am nervous about bringing a pig home that he wouldn't get along with. I think he's spent most of his life without other pigs around so I'm not sure if he knows his own kind. I think he was a house pig as a baby and discarded when he got to be too big. I'm wondering what age, size and gender would be the best fit for him. He's about 5-6 yrs old, about 150-175 lbs, potty trained, keeps his indoor enclosure very clean, he's gentle and docile but moody/grumpy at times and territorial with his indoor enclosure. Finding a good match and transporting a pig is not an easy task, so I just want to find the best possible good companion for him. Any suggestions would be wonderful. Thank you!
Is he castrated? If so i'd probally get a sow. Two males are gonna fight. Are you sure he's lonely? We as humans tend to put human emotions to animals. Try giving him some toys to play with if he doesn't have any. Empty milk jugs with treats inside, big balls to roll around, like the kind you buy for horses with the handle on them. He might just be bored. If you do get another pig id recomend one around his size. Seperate them with panels so they can't get to each other for awhile but can still see and sniff each other. Do not just throw them.together. even when you do end up putting.them together they will fight for leadership. This is just what id do and I am by no means a expert. I also gave my pb empty cardboard boxes and blankets to play with. Best of luck.
Is he castrated? If so i'd probally get a sow. Two males are gonna fight. Are you sure he's lonely? We as humans tend to put human emotions to animals. Try giving him some toys to play with if he doesn't have any. Empty milk jugs with treats inside, big balls to roll around, like the kind you buy for horses with the handle on them. He might just be bored. If you do get another pig id recomend one around his size. Seperate them with panels so they can't get to each other for awhile but can still see and sniff each other. Do not just throw them.together. even when you do end up putting.them together they will fight for leadership. This is just what id do and I am by no means a expert. I also gave my pb empty cardboard boxes and blankets to play with. Best of luck.

While a great deal of people do anthropomorphize their emotions on animals, pigs are highly social animals. They can get lonely, in a way, if not kept with another pig. Being kept alone is unnatural to them.

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