Longtime lurker, finally got some chicks!


Mar 4, 2015
Hello! I've been wanting to have a flock to provide me with fresh eggs and enjoyment for what seems like always. A few months ago, my boyfriend and I moved to a 50 acre farm, and I started scheming. This weekend I bit the bullet and set up a brooder, purchasing 5 chicks from our local farm store - 2 Rhode Island Reds, 2 Silver Laced Wyandottes, and 1 Blue Langshan. I suggested 6; my boyfriend said 3, talked him up to 4, and the salesman at the feed store sold me 5 :) I'm super excited to finally have some chickens in my life! They're very cute and sweet though they do seem to make a mess of their water and feeders. Any tips for keeping them from walking in their water dish and making a complete mess of it?

We setup a webcam for them, so if you need a dose of cuteness to brighten up your day, check out ustream.tv/channel/sight-unseen-chickens
Hello there and welcome to BYC!

Enjoy your new babies!! If you have any questions about them at any time, feel free to ask us here.

Welcome to our flock!
Hello, and welcome.

A lot of people put the watered up on a brick. I set mine in a shallow pan. Unless you have a small chick shallow waterer, then you'll want to place marbles, or those flat glass decorate rocks in their water receptacle -so the chicks don't drown.
I am very new at this too. I got my first chicks three days ago and because they do make such a mess with the water I went and got the chick nipple waterer. They were cheap and work great. The brooder is nice and dry now :)
I put my chick waterer up on a small box to get it out of the shavings. Messy with feed?

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