Look how nice my turkeys are coming along :)

They are lovely! This year is my first with turkeys, too. May I share a picture from Monday?

The dark one is a week older (they are all mixed breeds) and the MFDU roo is their "mom".

I have 2 midget whites-funky creatures-got a breeding pair:) I would love to get a few eggs before Winter:-( They are 3 months old now-what do you think? eggs in Spring?
Do you have a pair of red shoes?

Close your eyes
click your heels together 3 times while saying
"everybody loves a turkey"

Wabamooooo you will be knee deep in them when you open your eyes.

If you are in the south Sonew maybe a few this fall but more than likely spring - The smaller varietes like the Midgets or Beltsvilles will mature and lay sooner than a big one like a Bronze.
Nevermind I just say NY..... spring for you

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Laree yours look great! so funny that you have a roo mommy lol.
My turkeys have one little chicken pullet that hangs with them all day, she just about killed herself when i seperated her and put her in with the other chickens. My husband has noticed recently that she is making noises closer to turkey talk than chicken talk . . . too funny.
Sonew post a pic of your midgets on here when you can!!!
NO STEVE!!!! one tom two hens that's it! I am currently building ten new chicken runs to add to the ten I already have.
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