Lookie what I found...


Feb 22, 2020
Julian, California
So I'm collecting wood from one of our many piles and came upon...

eggs in the wood pile.jpg


Now I know who the culprit is. Its my two Russian Orloff twins: Gracie and Buttercup. Every time around this year they start hiding their eggs. I just think its funny how some breeds do this and others (like my Brahmas and Plymouth) will simply cop a squat in the middle of the yard and lay an egg. I use to have a Swedish Blue who would hide her clutch, but she was *always* broody and would hiss at anyone who approached her. Chickens. Oh these chickens...
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We used to have a very poor coop set up for our hens and one of our Easter egger would refuse to lay in the nesting boxes. instead she would jump the fence and lay in the bushes out of the chicken yard... so I clipped her wing.
still obsessed with finding a way out of the yard to her special spot, she would now go to the weak part of the fence and go under it, I then fixed that and she was very upset
winter came and she had her little break from laying eggs and we tore down and rebuilt the coop and now she lays in the right place, the nesting boxes—finally
(she also is our only green egg layer so I was very sad without ther eggs when i couldnt find them out in the wilderness😂 )

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