Looking for a 50-100 egg bator that's not CRAP


8 Years
Jun 6, 2013
Okay. So I spent 2 years giving ReptiPro a fabulous glowing review for their incubator. Until in its second season it suddenly couldn't heat about 70 degrees anymore. This happened during an $$$ EXPENSIVE CEMANI HATCH, and also immediately after I forked out $96 for two sets of turners e_e I contacted the company and they immediately shipped me a couple replacement parts and told me not to worry because the unit has a lifetime warranty. I replaced each part in turn, no change. I piece by piece dis-assembled the entire bator, deep cleaned everything (not a very complex job), and it now goes up to 76, but that's it. I've been tyring to get ahold of ReptiPro for MONTHS and they never return calls or emails. So I'm giving them two thumbs down on this one! I will never recommend their products again.

That being said.

I'm looking for a new mid-capacity bator. I hate the little giants, the brinseas are like $400, and the hovabator reviews are a bit frightening. The market is now flooded with cheap mass-production crap under random out-of-the-hat hame brands that have either no reviews or horrible reviews.

I have a set of GQF cabinet bators, but I won't be setting 300+ eggs again anytime soon, and I need a more energy efficient, smaller unit.

At this rate I'm tempted to just make one.

Any suggestions? I'd happily go buy a small bator tomorrow if I could TRUST it with my eggs e______e'
I have a mini-fridge in my shed that I kept meaning to make into an incubator... I think I may have to get to work on that project. I just don't like the fact that the emergency Little Giant replacement-incubator I bought when my snake egg incubator went belly up, I have to lift the lid off completely to access the eggs. I much prefer a door. The mini-fridge should have much better insulation, as well. If you want to try and go that route, check at local motels. That's where I got mine - I could have picked up a half dozen. Just a mini-fridge that the cooling element went out in, but I wouldn't be using that anyway. They were just throwing them all away, cheaper to replace them than to get them fixed.

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