looking for a quiet chicken

Quiet Bird that eat flys, mosquitos, and other insects. Try Muskovy, I might have misspelled it. They are similar to a duck but they eat flying bugs and trim your lawn.
Quiet Bird that eat flys, mosquitos, and other insects. Try Muskovy, I might have misspelled it. They are similar to a duck but they eat flying bugs and trim your lawn.
They are a duck. Muscovies are very, very quiet, and a pretty laid back personality. The most noise my drake makes is when he is bathing in the wading pool or irrigation water and woof-wof-woof flapping his wings. Those "woof"s are small explosions, lol. The broody girls tend to squeak. However, the most common vocalization is a "hisssssssssssssssssss"
I have found that Red Stars from mypetchicken.com are the quietest chickens. You'll want 3 or more though because they do NOT like to be lonely while the other chicken is laying if you have 2. They chatter if you go outside. They can make some noise while trying to lay. I felt sorry for one of them always making this in labor like noise but it wasn't loud. They never cackled after laying just if left alone or couldn't see the other chicken for a few minutes.

My experience with EE'ers was 2 out of 3 were noisy. My favorite one never made much noise at all but she died for unexplained reason last summer.

Australorps are supposed to be quiet but one of mine was making so much racket when she first started to lay that she got all the other girls hollering for hours on end and I gave all 6 away with the coop determined to not get any more but now I'm looking for local bantams to avoid minimums and freight to see how my luck goes with those. If they are noisy, I'll buy more Red Stars from site above since their minimum for my location is 7 so I can get away with ordering so few.

While searching for a feed store near my sisters' home, I stumbled upon "California Hatchery". I visited their website and they stated you could order as few as three chicks. They seem to have a good breed selection, but their prices were kind of high. They received mixed reviews on "Backyard Chickens". It is nice to know you can order as few as three chicks from a hatchery. That might be the way to go if you wanted some of the rarer breeds. They did advertise "free shipping" on orders of 15 or more. www.californiahatchery.com
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Easter Eggers are definitely my quiet ones. When they laid eggs, they were so quiet about it I didn't know until I looked! My Gold Comet, Phil, was also really quiet, she laid 14 eggs without making a peep, and I found them all in the corner one day.

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