Looking for design advice

Tell me about it! When I found out the limitations they had, I was pretty livid. You're allowed up to 6 chickens but then the size restrictions are SO small. They are also supposed to be confined in the run at all times and "Chicken waste shall not be composted or mulched on site."

Let's just say I'm going to take those as "suggestions." Boy I miss living in the mountains where no one cared what you did on your property :(
This sounds very familiar.

Where are you located?
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I see where you're going ;) We just bought this house last year though... and although we know our side neighbors, we have 2 backyard neighbors that I haven't really met yet. I'm making sure my I's are dotted and T's are crossed for code enforcement, just in case one of them happens to be unpleasant and grouchy about us having chickens.
This sounds very familiar.

Someone last month or two months ago had the same restrictions in their area, that's why! And we all wondered at the logic of allowing 6 chickens when the run size restrictions realistically limit you to 2.

I'm making sure my I's are dotted and T's are crossed for code enforcement, just in case one of them happens to be unpleasant and grouchy about us having chickens.

While digging down seems pretty clever to get around the height restriction, I would check with building/code enforcement if that's actually allowed, because with these sort of tight restrictions the city usually needs to come out and approve the build.

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