Looking for good egg laying breeds suggestions


6 Years
Jun 25, 2017
I’m looking to start fresh this spring with chicks. We had 3 hens (2 sexlinks) 2 from tractor supply and one from a friend who purchased from a auction. All three of my hens (2 were 2yrs old and 1 was 3yrs old) had a bout of EYP. The 1st I took to a vet who said spay her or euthanize her. After her about 3 months my 2nd hen started the same symptoms and just 2 weeks ago the 3rd started same thing. I have heard and read EYP isn’t contagious. What’s the chances of all 3 hens having this issue? Someone told me that some of the laying breeds are more prone to this. So my questions are...we are looking for egg birds, what are some hearty egg breeds that are pretty friendly (I have 2 younger boys)? Should I clean/treat the pen/chicken yard or house with anything before getting any more chicks in the spring? Any tips for possible prevention of EYP or if it sounds like something else? Thank you in advance
I would clean the coop thoroughly with a diluted bleach solution, just to be on the safe side.

Some hearty and friendly laying breeds are:
Easter Eggers

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