Looking for pictures of waterfowl colour mutations

I have been working on the silver white faced tree duck in the UK for sometime - but im struggling - do you know where there are some in Europe and if any available
There should be a breeder in Poland, but i do not think he has any for vsale yet, he's still working on a genetically good breeding group, maybe Lobo can let you know who he is,

Greetz Peacock
Mandarin's mutation red (ginger).

Red (ginger) pair

Red (ginger) male

Red (ginger) male

Red (ginger) female

Red (ginger) female

@ lobo - where did you get the ginger mandarins from? They are fabulous, do you have any for sale?

Simply, I bred them. First ginger females appeared in the brood of black mandarins. For several years there were only females, and this in a small number of. I needed two years to breed a male and female of this color. At present in Poland we have 11 pairs ginger mandarins (7 pairs in my breeding and for 2 pairs at my friends). Two pairs from us, also has SilverWoodDuck in Serbia.
At the moment we do not have anything for sale. We're still working on the expansion of breeding stock, but part young from this year's hatchings, will be for sale. But I can't promise anything, because the reservation list is long.
View some pictures of Steel Wood Duck (blue - pastel), which I created in my breeding. The first duck of this color I was 4 years ago. In 2011 I was able to breed more males. The mutations that are very nice females. To me the most beautiful females of all available colors Wood Duck. Due to the color of a female named it the "steel". At present in Poland is about 12 steel wood duck pairs (10 pairs in my breeding pairs and two of my friend). Three pieces of me, also has SilverWoodDuck in Serbia. Ten couples who have been with me, and the young will be on sale in July 2012.

Please visit my website

In 2011 in my breeding, I managed to breed the next color of the wood duck.
Fawn - pastel wood duck.
I am now the first, only a single
female of this color. I hope that after some time I manage to breed the first complete pair of Fawn - pastel wood duck.

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