looking for some big 'ol bbs orpington- eggs- oregon. shipping is ok


artistic fowlism
16 Years
Mar 28, 2008
Yamhill County, Oregon
so im sitting here thinking that its time i hatch some more birds. i havent ordered and hatched anything for soething like 6 months ! i know im crazy right !? well alot has been going on haha, anyway i finally think things have settled down and now im ready again, i have a back yard flock and i just LOVE orps, especially the blues and blacks, but im lookin for the one that are just huge ! you know ? like watermellons ! i just love the big ones ! i just enjoy them very much, also for my 4h ontop of my chickening hobby

so let me know what you have. im sure a billion other people are looking too. thanks !
You could try Ebay. I've bought eggs from Sellers, and the eggs are nice. I'm incubating 10 right now. If you only have $20.00 as posted on TatersChicken post, Ebay would be your best bet. You might only get 6 eggs for that price though...Good Luck!

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