Losing Feathers

Rafe M

In the Brooder
Oct 2, 2022
My black copper maran is losing feathers around her neck and the base of each wing. See pics attached. Is this normal or something I need to tend to?


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Hello and welcome to BYC! :frow

Looks like she's molting, most birds molt out their feathers each fall and replace them with new ones. Molting usually starts at the head and neck and moves down the body. Combs can go pale, the bird can seem a bit off too. Perfectly normal!

Pretty girl! ❤
I would say she is just molting if she is healthy otherwise, looks like the feathers in her neck are coming in new. I have 4 molting at my place right now, their coop is full of feathers, lol!
My black copper maran is losing feathers around her neck and the base of each wing. See pics attached. Is this normal or something I need to tend to?
How old is this bird, in months?
I see pin feathers on the shoulders, are there some on the neck too?
Do you have a male in the flock?
This looks more like 'rooster wear' to me.

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