Lost my bird outside

Lol, he sounds like he has quite the personality!

I had a cowbird I raised that still wanted to be fed when he was 4 months old! I told him he was a grown bird and could eat by himself LOL, but sometimes I still fed him cause he was so cute when he was begging...
what kind of bird is it if you don't mind me asking ? and lozuufy i'm guessing the host parents realised he was an imposter and kicked him out the nest ?
and lozuufy i'm guessing the host parents realised he was an imposter and kicked him out the nest ?

Yeah they must have, the nest was up high and somehow he survived the fall. He ate an extraordinary amount too, one day I figured out he ate 123 pieces of soaked cat kibble a day! (that was when he was fully feathered)
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He was kinda goofy and wanted his head scratched all the time, plus he wanted to be fed 24/7. He also loved hanging out with my other birds or on my shoulder and making cute little chirps.
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I don't still have him, he joined a flock of wild cowbirds. I've heard they are supposed to be aggressive but most of the birds I raise don't get aggressive with other birds, maybe cause I raise them together. I had a starling last year who was the sweetest bird ever and would try to preen my other birds. She also learned how to talk which was awesome. She eventually joined a flock of wild starlings though.
thats so cool

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