Lost one of my birds to a dog (He's Back w/ friends)

I lived on the edge of town and had a neighbor's dog that killed my rabbits, tore up the cages (had dug under a door and jumped up on a feed bin to do this!), chewed a hole through my garage door and bit off my pepper plants(I watched him!). I tried everything to get this neighbor to keep his dog at home, bought it a new tie-out and collar, kept bringing him home to him, etc. Finally called the police and they said I had the right to kill it for killing my livestock and doing damage. I said, " Sure and then you get me for discharging a firearm in city limits!" He looked at me and said, " Who said you had to kill it here?" So, I took it out to the folks' place and Mom killed it for me.

Another time, I lived out in the country with a similar problem and shot the dog myself. When I got home the cops were waiting on me and did an investigation. If they could have proved it, I would have been put in jail! This world is a weird and scary place! I guess if the police give you permission, it is alright. If they don't, it isn't! :thun
We live in the country and sometimes people feel that it is okay to drop their unwanted animals out on our road. I have had a problem in the past with dogs killing my chickens. I would never kill a dog, but I have gotten my shotgun and peppered their backside with fine shot when they were far enough away not to kill them. It quickly solved the problem. I was mad enough to kill them, but didn't. I now have a large dog. If a neighbor's dog comes in my yard and I begin to yell at it, she will chase it away. I haven't had any trouble in awhile.
Sometimes noisey fire crackers can scare some dogs away. I recommend the paint ball gun also. Won't kill them but give them something to think about. I'm not the type for animal cruelty but if you did want something to do more than a paint ball gun then maybe a pellet or bb gun. Might even be able to scare them off with a shotgun firing in the air. Not sure if those dog whistles would work or not but if they do work it might stop them in their tracks while they are chasing the chickens.
elderoo is right -- firing a "real" gun inside city limits, whether you're in a rural area or not, can get you in a lot of trouble. I know you don't want to kill the dogs, and I'd feel the same way, but might feel comfortable using a wrist rocket, paintball gun, or BB gun. I wouldn't want to even use my little .22 on a dog.

My DH, OTOH, would be out there with his 1942 Mosin.
I know you don't want to kill the dogs, and I'd feel the same way, but might feel comfortable using a wrist rocket, paintball gun, or BB gun. I wouldn't want to even use my little .22 on a dog.

My DH, OTOH, would be out there with his 1942 Mosin.

For those who dont know, the Mosin-Nagant is the old WWII Russian service rifle. It is often seen in surplus form now, is fairly inexpensive and makes a dandy hunting rifle. It would be a fine farm rifle, being powerful, rugged and accurate enough for nearly all purposes. It shoots the 7.62x54R Russian service round, roughly the equivalent of the .30-06, and can be reloaded to almost any power lever needed. It is NOT likely to endear you to the local strongarms, however, were you to set it off in town after some stray !

Sometimes noisey fire crackers can scare some dogs away. I'm not the type for animal cruelty but if you did want something to do more than a paint ball gun then maybe a pellet or bb gun. Might even be able to scare them off with a shotgun firing in the air. Not sure if those dog whistles would work or not but if they do work it might stop them in their tracks while they are chasing the chickens.

Its funny; I was threatened with banishment once on BYC for recommending firecrackers as a dog deterrent! Noisy fireworks, shooting shotguns and other such distractions seem to have a deterrent effect but again, they draw the wrong attention.
I like the dog whistle, as a way to stop the mutt long enough to hit him with the paint ball gun.

Bottom line, you must be prepared to be your own animal control officer. Trapping, paintballing, firework barrages, etc. must be done soon. The longer you deliberate, the more the dog gets accustomed to doing the bad deed.​
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So true! Firing that thing is like launching a fireball. I call it the W-T-F gun, because every time I fire it at the range, everyone turns around and says, "W-T-F was that?" A paintball gun is likely to get you into much less trouble with the authorities.
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I have to put my two cents in here...First, paintball guns are great. They don't mortally wound the dog, and the paint on the dog may actually make the owner pay attention to the fact that something is up.
Last summer, the neighbors pitbull was visiting every day. I had decided to retire one of the pig pens, so in moving the pigs to fresh ground, I left the old pen open. I believe that the pitbull had a great time in there and went home wearing it's new perfume. I don't believe the neighbors have allowed the dog to leave the yard since.
Well, we called animal control again and they finally came out. They had caught the black dog this morning in a trap and have another one set for the beagle. I think they were pretty sure of the area the dogs came frome so they had set the traps without letting us know. The one they got is the one that killed my chicken so they will let me know if someone claims it. But I doubt they will. I think we are going to invest in a trap to just keep out there anyway. Never know what you might catch huh? The guy told DH, I can't tell you to do this, but some folks out this way have been known to shoot at the dogs, but I have to tell you it is against the law if you get caught. I think we are going to get a pellet gun and try that for now.

I'm not sure if I read this advice on this site or some where's else...
but what follows was the best advice I'd ever heard/read regarding loose dogs.

If a dog kills one of your chickens do the following...

1. Whistle while opening the back of your vehicle...most dogs will jump in thinking they're going for a ride.

2. When owner shows up demanding the release of their precious fuffy puppy...show them the dead chicken carcas and blood feather evidence on their dog....demand $50/chicken for the value of the bird or the dog is taking a one way trip to animal control...and owner will then have to be dealing with animal control. (note take chicken evidence with you to animal control)

3. If/when owner pays $50 warn owner that if the dog is seen loose again...it will be going directly to animal control.

4. Oh, and if owner doesn't show up by the end of the day...jus take the dog to animal control...with your chicken and explain situation to them.

Most owners are :eek:shocked that their little poochie pooh would ever hurt a living animal and this is exactly the eye opener they need to get control of their pet....however if the owner doesn't give a fig about you, your birds, their dog...the dog is probably better being turned over to animal control anyway.

Anyway...I thought this was billiant and thought I'd share...

Good luck with your problem.

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