Lots of animals eat chickens. Do beavers, too?


In the Brooder
Feb 10, 2017
Talking to a co-worker, he warned me about all the predators that will go after chickens- foxes, raccoons, skunks, possums, hawks, owls. Something a few days ago dragged a bag of trash around our property at night and I don't know what that was, but what I do know we have is a beaver in our creek, which I have been fortunate to see twice during the day. It's about 2 ft long excluding the tail length, which seems pretty big, and since we don't see any problems with having it yet, I think it's pretty cool that we have a beaver. So do any of you have experience with beavers killing your chickens?

It's really convenient to be able to ask so many people with chicken experience in one place.
As far as I know, beavers are strictly herbivores.

ETA I also don't think it would be in their behavior to kill the chickens for a reason other than food.
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Beavers don't eat any protein, they eat mainly tree bark, roots and buds. They are fairly peaceful animals. I would not pick one up with my bare hands, but they are not a menace. We have beavers here too. They have never caused any issues, aside from damming up creeks and in our case the irrigation ditch. They are a total menace for that.
I have a traveling beaver that visits my pond each summer. I enjoy seeing him around. I have never heard of them being a threat to chickens. Trees on the other hand....


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