"Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

If you ever want to hatch any guinea eggs, let me know. You can have ALL you want!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :barnie They are laying ALL OVER THE PLACE !!!!!!!!!! :/ I can't give them away fast enough. :/

Thanks! I will start working on DH ;) I didn't realize they layed so much,.. that makes them even more attractive! My MIL told me today that at Easter time in Mamou everyone wanted to buy the guinea eggs because they were good "pocking" eggs because the shells are harder,.. is this true?  and....
Does anyone else still pock eggs? 

YES, the shells are harder. I dropped a couple yesterday on the ground and they landed and rolled away like marbles and none of them cracked. The shell is HARD HARD to crack. I have a co-worker that gets guinea eggs from me and she pickles all of them. She says her family LOVES them.

What does pock mean? :oops:
I need to get a larger incubator for the spring hatch, but just can't bring myself to part with $750.00 for a good cabinet incubator. I was thinking about finding an old minifridge and making a DIY incubator. Incubator Warehouse has this great looking kit:


Problem is that I can't find more than a couple reviews. They do have a one year guarantee, so I guess I could just return it if it doesn't work out. What do y'all think? Go big or go cheap?
All I know is, if my husband saw that, he'd be all over it in a heartbeat! Since you can return it if it doesn't work out, what have you got to lose by trying it, right?
YES, the shells are harder. I dropped a couple yesterday on the ground and they landed and rolled away like marbles and none of them cracked. The shell is HARD HARD to crack. I have a co-worker that gets guinea eggs from me and she pickles all of them. She says her family LOVES them.
What does pock mean?
You have a contest where two people tap eggs against each other - the first one to break loses. It's an Easter Cajun tradition.
Down the road from us, they make people with guinea eggs go in their own division.

When do guineas start laying?
My uncle has been searching for Buckeye chicks for quite some time now, so I found a fellow BYCer with nice stock to hatch and ship some to me. The cutest velvety chicks arrived today!


I really am pressed for space, but I'm struggling with wanting to keep a few for myself! Buckeyes are an old heritage breed and are supposed to be some of the best tasting birds. Strange that no one here has them.


I need to get a larger incubator for the spring hatch, but just can't bring myself to part with $750.00 for a good cabinet incubator.  I was thinking about finding an old minifridge and making a DIY incubator.  Incubator Warehouse has this great looking kit:


Problem is that I can't find more than a couple reviews.  They do have a one year guarantee, so I guess I could just return it if it doesn't work out. What do y'all think?  Go big or go cheap?

Gracie? Another incubator? :th LOL
YES, the shells are harder. I dropped a couple yesterday on the ground and they landed and rolled away like marbles and none of them cracked. The shell is HARD HARD to crack. I have a co-worker that gets guinea eggs from me and she pickles all of them. She says her family LOVES them.

What does pock mean? :oops:

You have a contest where two people tap eggs against each other - the first one to break loses. It's an Easter Cajun tradition.
Down the road from us, they make people with guinea eggs go in their own division.

When do guineas start laying?

Ooooooooh ok. That sounds fun.

Terri, your guineas should start laying at about 6 months old. How old are your guineas?
Thank you. Let me know if you all want something added to the website.
Roxie where do we mail our dues to?
Website does look great!

Julie I don't remember how old they are - hatched w/Amtrak, lol, I'll have to look his birthday up on the calendar! Do they lay during the winter? I think about 3 months old now...

MIghty cute Buckeyes!

All the talk on the game birds has me wanting some Pumpkin Hulseys - I love their color!
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Thank you. Let me know if you all want something added to the website.

Roxie where do we mail our dues to?
Website does look great!

Julie I don't remember how old they are - hatched w/Amtrak, lol, I'll have to look his birthday up on the calendar!  Do they lay during the winter? I think about 3 months old now...

MIghty cute Buckeyes!

All the talk on the game birds has me wanting some Pumpkin Hulseys - I love their color!

Laying season can be as early as March until as late as October. They are not supposed to lay during the winter. :fl But our Louisiana winters (Christmas Day) could be as hot as a summer day. :gig So, who knows what they do in our area. lol

If yours are 3 months, they may not start laying until next year due to the "winter" months. I think laying season for birds vary from region to region (in my opinion).

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