"Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

I have four different LF breeds that I will be breeding for next year….

Rhode Island Reds (These are from the Mohawk line)

Barred Rocks (These are from the Good Sheppard line)

Buff Orpingtons (These are from Doug Akers’ line)

German New Hampshire’s (These are also originally from the Doug Akers’ line)

Of these breeds, which ones do you like the best Chris?
editing to add - and why? temperment, egg-laying ability, egg size?
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If you ever want to hatch any guinea eggs, let me know. You can have ALL you want!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
They are laying ALL OVER THE PLACE !!!!!!!!!!
I can't give them away fast enough.
Thanks! I will start working on DH ;) I didn't realize they layed so much,.. that makes them even more attractive! My MIL told me today that at Easter time in Mamou everyone wanted to buy the guinea eggs because they were good "pocking" eggs because the shells are harder,.. is this true? and....
Does anyone else still pock eggs?
Thanks! I will start working on DH ;) I didn't realize they layed so much,.. that makes them even more attractive! My MIL told me today that at Easter time in Mamou everyone wanted to buy the guinea eggs because they were good "pocking" eggs because the shells are harder,.. is this true? and....
Does anyone else still pock eggs?
We still pock eggs, my grandmother would boil them with the points down if i remember right, she would boil them in socks to keep them the right way, she would always win and finally told us how she was doing it.
We still pock eggs, my grandmother would boil them with the points down if i remember right, she would boil them in socks to keep them the right way, she would always win and finally told us how she was doing it.
Never heard that one before,.. will ask MIL and grand MIL if they ever did that,.. Olivia says she's going to "mess" with Mawmaw's head next year and use a dummy egg!,..
Quote: Thanks! I will start working on DH ;) I didn't realize they layed so much,.. that makes them even more attractive! My MIL told me today that at Easter time in Mamou everyone wanted to buy the guinea eggs because they were good "pocking" eggs because the shells are harder,.. is this true? and....
Does anyone else still pock eggs?
Oh, if that's true I need some guineas! That's an Easter tradition with my husband's family. So much fun!
My uncle has been searching for Buckeye chicks for quite some time now, so I found a fellow BYCer with nice stock to hatch and ship some to me. The cutest velvety chicks arrived today!


I really am pressed for space, but I'm struggling with wanting to keep a few for myself! Buckeyes are an old heritage breed and are supposed to be some of the best tasting birds. Strange that no one here has them.
Of these breeds, which ones do you like the best Chris?
editing to add - and why? temperment, egg-laying ability, egg size?

As of right now I'm really liking my Buffs. The size of them for one. The eggs are a little larger then all the others breeds. Their temperament is really great and I get a egg about every other day from them. The BR's are a close 2nd if for nothing else but their looks alone.

Heck yea, we pock eggs! Last Easter, since my father-inlaw both raise chickens we talk smack saying we each picked the best egg. Well this year I dyed a white ceramic egg, I know I cheated. I told him I had been feeding them a secret ingredient that made there shells unbeatable.
My uncle has been searching for Buckeye chicks for quite some time now, so I found a fellow BYCer with nice stock to hatch and ship some to me. The cutest velvety chicks arrived today!

I really am pressed for space, but I'm struggling with wanting to keep a few for myself! Buckeyes are an old heritage breed and are supposed to be some of the best tasting birds. Strange that no one here has them.
I've seen someone here in Covington have them for sale on Craigslist but I've never seen their stock.


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