"Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

She's so pretty :)

She has been setting a long time. I don't think they are going to hatch. I hate to tell her the bad news. :/



Pretty darn mean is what she is! But thanks anyway. :/
I'm getting rid of a Brinsea Octagon 20 Eco incubator and turner.  Asking $140 for both.  I might also be interested in trading for some adult birds, hair sheep, or a combination of any plus cash.  PM me if interested.  

UPDATE:  Sold to Bugglesmommy!


Congrats on your new bator. I would like to have one
But I am limited as to hiw many chickens I can have.
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She has been setting a long time. I don't think they are going to hatch. I hate to tell her the bad news. :/
That makes me so sad - can you smuggle some babies underneath her?
Yes, I have some babies that I can stick under her. The geese are so silly. They lay millions of eggs and then play around with them and sometimes sit and sometimes not, so then when they decide to set, it's too late. Eggs are no good. :smack

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