"Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

Chickens on table saws, geese sitting on old eggs ---YEP IT'S SPRING! I got thrown out of work yesterday coughing. Went to the doctor for meds --he says, "Well, I'm thinking pneumonia, but in order to confirm it I need to do an xray. I can just write your diagnosis as bronchitis and no xray. It's a matter of whether you want to pay for an xray when the treatment will be the same."
At least he's honest. Got lots of meds and I'm home again today. I will be quite depressed when it comes paycheck time. I have finally got my lav orp roo doing his job. I have a three month old buff orp who is trying to top every bird in the grow out pen--boys included - man he's confused. And I have an 8 week old in a brooder that has started crowing. Whew! Too much masculine energy going on in my yard. I STILL cannot get my porcelain d'uccles to lay. Those girls are a year old. I got one egg after worming them --one lonely egg -- and nothing else. I don't know what else to do. I think I'll slip out today with some treats laced in cayenne pepper. Hmmmm....light a spark under their butts and maybe they'll get busy. I also have an 8 month old gold laced wyandotte who will not lay -- the freeloaders will be moving on if something doesn't happen soon. I am currently waiting anxiously on the mail truck to get in from Alexandria --my chicks from the old grouch should be on their way!! I will post pics of what's alive in the box. Happy Friday everyone!
LOL @ - -- >
Chickens on table saws, geese sitting on old eggs ---YEP IT'S SPRING!
:lau :lau :lau :lau Thank you for the laugh. You have made my day. :D Sorry to hear that you're not feeling well. I hope that you don't get sick all over again when you see your paycheck. :oops: Sounds like your birds need a reality show over there. WHEW! :lol: Cayenne pepper should do the trick. I'll be sending good vibes your way on the egg laying. :fl LOL @ old grouch :lau :lau :lau :lau You are in rare form this morning and I LOVE IT !!!!!!!! :lau :lau :lau :lau In all seriousness, I hope that the chicks make it there alive and in great condition. I will be checking back for pics and for good news. :) Happy Friday!!!!
My goose finally hatched some babies! Problem is that she stole the nest from a Peking duck, so momma and daddy goose are parading a bunch of ducklings around the barnyard! They seem so proud of themselves!

She has been setting a long time. I don't think they are going to hatch. I hate to tell her the bad news. :/
Awww, poor girl! She sure is a beautiful goose!!
Thanks. Don't let the innocent face fool you. She will rip your eyes out if you bend down low enough. She is part of Satan's Army. Mean as EVER !!!!!!!! :/
My goose finally hatched some babies! Problem is that she stole the nest from a Peking duck, so momma and daddy goose are parading a bunch of ducklings around the barnyard! They seem so proud of themselves!

The grape wine is ready.
I slept like a baby last night.

Looks like someone empties beverage bottles faster than I do.

Back from the PO. Idiot packed 4 little solo cups with what I'm assuming was water as the box was wet. Of 22 chicks, 14 are alive. Two are barely hanging on. I really did not need lemon cuckoo orps, but there are 7 of them--all quite noisy and happy to be out of the box. There is one lavender. There is a buff that has a little grey in the wings. Who knows what that is. The other 4 are black. I popped the really weak ones in the bator for quick warmth and the rest in the brooder. I snapped a couple of pics of the black ones I wasn't sure about. One is solid black. Two are black/yellow. One is black and brown. I would really like that one to be a jubilee!!!

Looks like someone empties beverage bottles faster than I do.

Back from the PO. Idiot packed 4 little solo cups with what I'm assuming was water as the box was wet. Of 22 chicks, 14 are alive. Two are barely hanging on. I really did not need lemon cuckoo orps, but there are 7 of them--all quite noisy and happy to be out of the box. There is one lavender. There is a buff that has a little grey in the wings. Who knows what that is. The other 4 are black. I popped the really weak ones in the bator for quick warmth and the rest in the brooder. I snapped a couple of pics of the black ones I wasn't sure about. One is solid black. Two are black/yellow. One is black and brown. I would really like that one to be a jubilee!!!

Good grief. That guy seems to be quite a dodo!
Who on earth puts anything liquid in a shipping box full of poultry? I hope the rest of them work out well for you. I'd be sure to leave an honest review about your experience with him. That's just terrible!

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