"Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

We purchased mostly straight run chicks in order to build a flock of egg layers for our kids. We wanted variety and I think when they all get to laying age we will have that but we also have Roosters lots and lots of Roosters. I have been reading this thread for weeks so I thank you for the my daily look in the world of chickens. But now I need your experience what do you feed your meat birds to fatten them up?
I have only raised chickens specifically for meat once. I fermented their regular feed(higher protein than a layer pellet) and a week or two before the end I started incorporating some scratch feed in (I had read a lot that said it would add a bit of fat which helps keep the bird moist while cooking). I followed a lot of suggestion in the Fermented Feed thread and in the Meat Bird threads. There is tons of wisdom there freely given by people that raise meat or dual purpose birds on a regular basis......some of them for many years. I was not disappointed AT ALL in the birds that we butchered!!!

I don't know how you are living with that many roosters! Hahaha! Noisy buggers.
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HELP!! We had a chicken tragedy today involving dogs. Our little silkie was killed, and our Delaware is injured. It looks like a small injury to her wing, maybe a puncture, but my biggest concern is the amount of damage done around her neck, just under her little ruff. They pulled a LOT of feathers, and the skin is bared and raw ish. She was in a sort of shock when I got to her, and I made her drink water, and put neosporin on the bad bits, but when I last checked her she was standing with her wing relaxed, touching the ground. I'm scared there may be a break?!? Is there a chicken vet in Central Louisiana? My regular vet doesn't see chickens!
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I don't know :( but maybe there's one here


HELP!! We had a chicken tragedy today involving dogs. Our little silkie was killed, and our Delaware is injured. It looks like a small injury to her wing, maybe a puncture, but my biggest concern is the amount of damage done around her neck, just under her little ruff. They pulled a LOT of feathers, and the skin is bared and raw ish. She was in a sort of shock when I got to her, and I made her drink water, and put neosporin on the bad bits, but when I last checked her she was standing with her wing relaxed, touching the ground. I'm scared there may be a break?!? Is there a chicken vet in Central Louisiana? My regular vet doesn't see chickens!
I have been missing for a bit, too... that thing called life gets in the way, I suppose. I lost another furbaby a couple weeks ago. That makes 2 dogs I had to say goodbye to in just over 6 months. :(

With everything going on, I finally had enough with trying to get my condo ready to sell and decided to just put it on the market a couple days ago. I actually have someone coming to take a look tomorrow. Fingers crossed, the sooner I move, the sooner I can get me some fuzz butts! :)

Hinton, if you can find you some dubia roaches, they make better feeders than hissers - less shell, more meat... and they don't climb (big plus). If you have trouble finding any, let me know. I know where I might be able to get some. I also plan on starting a BSFL colony once I move. Best nutritionally sound feeder insect I've found so far. The silkworms would be a plus, too!

This is a great set-up for harvesting BSFL. I will probably try this, but on a smaller scale. He has a few other interesting videos, including some on rabbits.

Welcome back DHinton, bayoudragon and TerriLaChicks! We missed you. Bayou - sorry for your loss. It's hard to lose one of your babies but two in such a short time frame... If you're like me, they are your "children." I lost my 15yo terrier mix last month so understand completely.

I don't know
but maybe there's one here


Quote: Abbie - I hope she makes it. Poor thing. Keep us posted on her progress.
HELP!! We had a chicken tragedy today involving dogs. Our little silkie was killed, and our Delaware is injured. It looks like a small injury to her wing, maybe a puncture, but my biggest concern is the amount of damage done around her neck, just under her little ruff. They pulled a LOT of feathers, and the skin is bared and raw ish. She was in a sort of shock when I got to her, and I made her drink water, and put neosporin on the bad bits, but when I last checked her she was standing with her wing relaxed, touching the ground. I'm scared there may be a break?!? Is there a chicken vet in Central Louisiana? My regular vet doesn't see chickens!

The only avian vet that I know ia Dr. WOODWARD but he is located in Lake Charles at the University Animal Clinic. He is my turkey's vet and he is good.

Good luck.
awww :( so sorry for your babies. hope you find someone. keep us posted
HELP!! We had a chicken tragedy today involving dogs. Our little silkie was killed, and our Delaware is injured. It looks like a small injury to her wing, maybe a puncture, but my biggest concern is the amount of damage done around her neck, just under her little ruff. They pulled a LOT of feathers, and the skin is bared and raw ish. She was in a sort of shock when I got to her, and I made her drink water, and put neosporin on the bad bits, but when I last checked her she was standing with her wing relaxed, touching the ground. I'm scared there may be a break?!? Is there a chicken vet in Central Louisiana? My regular vet doesn't see chickens!
I know this isn't too close to you, but LSU Vet Small Animal Clinic -Exotics Department sees rabbits and chickens and other exotics on appointment basis and after hours for emergencies. They are very good. In Baton Rouge on the LSU Campus at the Vet School. 225-578-9600. I have used them even on weekend emergencies and for scheduled appointments.
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As I was getting back from today's chicken swap a friend called to tell me she needed help with an injured Mallard and her ducklings. Mom ended up getting away so we have the neighbors in that area on notice for any sightings. Anyhooo, I'm now the proud owner of 4 ducklings. They're just as cute as they can be. I'm guessing they're only a few days old (that's 1/2" hardware cloth in the pic). My plan is to raise them until they're old enough to fend fore themselves then let them go.

Can I treat the ducklings like I would chicks? Can they eat the same starter crumble? With temps as high as they are now, do they need a heat lamp? Anything else I need to know to take care of them properly?


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