"Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

How young is it?

$10.00 or more. Nothing less. Even though it is a rooster, it will benefit the buyer in some kind of way, whether it be breeding or eating. Don't let people fool you when they say, "It's just a rooster". Rooster MY EYE!!!! :smack I have sold a lot of my roosters for $20.00. ;) I personally do not sell them for less than $15.00. And I have no trouble selling them and I have returning customers.

((Sigh@my Superman))  Evidently he told his peeps that he is working with that I was at my wits end with a couple of these roosters.  2 people jumped at the chance to have them.  One has been needing a roo and the other was hoping to get a roo out of her babies and all hers ended up being hens.  AND he told them they could have them.  I hadn't had the chance to tell him that we should at least get a little something to help out with the feed bill. They are out in the boonies and not getting good reception. They are his friends and he would give the shirt off his back just because he is a nice guy.  He is even always taking jars of pickles and bars of soap to people too, LOL!  One of the reasons I love him so much.  So, now I just have to figure out how to live with these too noisy birds until they all get back from this work trip. Maybe they will send family members to pick them up.  Crossing my fingers and looking for earplugs.

So, I must ask.  What are you scared of Silkies?  My sis is scared to death of Rabbits.



LOL @ giving everything away to people. :lau Sounds like a very nice guy.

Well, in that case, perhaps you should go ahead and give them away, since they are his friends. Your kindness and generosity will come back to you tri-fold. Pay it forward.

I'm scared of Silkies because they are not the most attractive birds. I don't like to use the "U" word but to me they are the opposite of pretty. They look like they could be used as extras in a horror film. :oops: They look so creepy to me. :oops:

Hope you find those earplugs. :gig
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I dunno if it was this thread...I don't think so lol but imma gonna ask here cuz I trust you'll all laugh at me BUT still be nice and answer! Ok ...can one bring in a Roo just to Stud? Lol I'm not allowed roo's BUT would risk a very short time for fertile eggs...only have 4 hens ans only need say a dozen or so fertile...would a week with a Roo be enough time and would the hens stay fertile for a week of laying even after the Roo is back home?? (in general- lol I know some hens are a bit more selective/prudish lol)

I ask because an older gentleman I know who's been rescuing roo's rescued a stunning ameraucana roo that I'd love EEs from but wasn't sure if there was time (he said he was told the Roo is 3 years old if that matters?)

Yes it(stud servicing) is done quite frequently in the world of poultry breeding. Breeders do this to give the boys a break or switch them out from pen to pen to service different individual hens or small groups sometimes and too so they are not constantly harassing and tearing up the hens backs too. So yeah you can get the rooster and let him do his business for a few days and collect eggs from those actions for a week or so. 7-10 days is probly 'bout right


x2 what Jeff said. People do it all the time.

How could we laugh at you when we all share the same addiction. :lau
Quick question :) I have put my eggie's in the the incubator, in the turner but I have it off. I've heard you wait 3 days to turn them if they were shipped. Do any of you follow this rule? if not how long should I wait before turning it on to let the egg "re-attach".

I have read that you wait at least 24 hours. I have never bought shipped eggs, so I'm really not sure.
Well my girls call the Silkies "Little Dinosaurs" because of the way they look :). Ugly can still be cute sometimes. I think part of their "look" is their black eye color. It makes their eyes look HUGE! Mine are really sweet. Well, except how the one I think is a roo. He is a turd about showing the other chickens he can be a boss.

I didn't find earplugs (for the loud rooster). But I did go strap big pieces of foam on the side of his cage that faces my bedroom!!! I was hoping it would bounce the sound the other way. I slept like a baby. But that could be because I was super worn out from chores, shopping with 2 girls(Lord help me!) and not getting any sleep the night before because Superman isn't here and there is now a ten year old snoring in my bed
Oh well, hope it works again tonight!!!

BTW I'm glad I didn't post pics of these Silkies. I am trying to figure out what sex they are. Posting them in the Silkie forum instead.
Funny story that happened to me yesterday.

So, I get home and I herd the sheep out of the pen into the regular yard because they like getting out of their pen. They don't ever run off. They just go to the neighbor's yard to eat her grass. Undoubtedly the grass that she has tastes better than what I have. :/ Well, they are out eating grass and I am out watching them. So they decide to cross the street into another wooded area to eat grass. They NEVER cross the street. So, I run towards them because I see cars coming down the 1 mile road. I get the adults across back in the yard and the 3 little male lamb are still across the street. The 2 bottle fed babies are at my heels as always. So, the cars are slowing down and coming to a stop when they see me and the animals. So, I'm trying to herd the 3 male lamb back into the yard . Well, one of them had a different plan on what he wanted to do. He decides to put on a SHOW for the waiting car guests. He decides to jump on and breed his brother. So as he is doing "breeding motions" and gyrating his hips on his brother's back side, the people in the cars are still waiting. So, I am so embarrassed at what he is doing, I rush him to get out of the street. He decides to take his time in trying to breed with his brother. So, he and his brother walk a few steps before they stop and start the "peep show" again. So the gyrating of the hips and breeding starts again. By this time, I'm sure my face is beet red from being not only embarrassed but mortified at what everyone is seeing. I was so ashamed, I couldn't even look back to look at the people that were in the cars. I'm sure they were laughing at this "free peep show" that was being put on by my lamb and thinking that it "WAS CUTE" but it WAS NOT CUTE. :mad: So, after 5 minutes of the stopping and starting breeding sessions, they FINALLY run back into the yard. I couldn't even look back to tell the cars thanks for stopping and waiting because I didn't want to see the looks on their faces. I WAS SO EMBARRASSED!!! Why me? :/
Well my girls call the Silkies "Little Dinosaurs" because of the way they look :).  Ugly can still be cute sometimes. I think part of their "look" is their black eye color.  It makes their eyes look HUGE!  Mine are really sweet.  Well, except how the one I think is a roo.  He is a turd about showing the other chickens he can be a boss.

I didn't find earplugs (for the loud rooster).  But I did go strap big pieces of foam on the side of his cage that faces my bedroom!!!  I was hoping it would bounce the sound the other way.  I slept like a baby.  But that could be because I was super worn out from chores, shopping with 2 girls(Lord help me!)  and not getting any sleep the night before because Superman isn't here and there is now a ten year old snoring in my bed :rolleyes:     Oh well, hope it works again tonight!!!

BTW I'm glad I didn't post pics of these Silkies.  I am trying to figure out what sex they are.  Posting them in the Silkie forum instead. :lol:

LOL @ Little Dinosaurs :gig

Glad that you slept like a baby.

Please post your Silkie pics. Don't let my obsession stop you. Others would love to see the little monsters, oops, I mean little darlings. :gig
Bahahahahaa too funny...sorry it was embarrassing but I'm sure the dinner story for many was awesome lol
Funny story that happened to me yesterday.

So, I get home and I herd the sheep out of the pen into the regular yard because they like getting out of their pen. They don't ever run off. They just go to the neighbor's yard to eat her grass. Undoubtedly the grass that she has tastes better than what I have. :/ Well, they are out eating grass and I am out watching them. So they decide to cross the street into another wooded area to eat grass. They NEVER cross the street. So, I run towards them because I see cars coming down the 1 mile road. I get the adults across back in the yard and the 3 little male lamb are still across the street. The 2 bottle fed babies are at my heels as always. So, the cars are slowing down and coming to a stop when they see me and the animals. So, I'm trying to herd the 3 male lamb back into the yard . Well, one of them had a different plan on what he wanted to do. He decides to put on a SHOW for the waiting car guests. He decides to jump on and breed his brother. So as he is doing "breeding motions" and gyrating his hips on his brother's back side, the people in the cars are still waiting. So, I am so embarrassed at what he is doing, I rush him to get out of the street. He decides to take his time in trying to breed with his brother. So, he and his brother walk a few steps before they stop and start the "peep show" again. So the gyrating of the hips and breeding starts again. By this time, I'm sure my face is beet red from being not only embarrassed but mortified at what everyone is seeing. I was so ashamed, I couldn't even look back to look at the people that were in the cars. I'm sure they were laughing at this "free peep show" that was being put on by my lamb and thinking that it "WAS CUTE" but it WAS NOT CUTE. :mad: So, after 5 minutes of the stopping and starting breeding sessions, they FINALLY run back into the yard. I couldn't even look back to tell the cars thanks for stopping and waiting because I didn't want to see the looks on their faces. I WAS SO EMBARRASSED!!! Why me? :/
I candled the first 10 and the yolks were kinda just floating, i'ma candle again on day 3 just to be sure, I 'm still new at this so I have no idea what i'm looking for lol. I just don't want to mess it up again.
I have the LG turner I just got. I think I'll turn it on when I get back from town. This is why I only put in what i'm willing to lose, sometimes you can have a neon sign blinking fragile and the post office is like ha ha really? lol . Can you post some pics of just the baby diapers. I might attempt to make my own also. I say attempt because I've had a embroidery/sewing machine for over 7 months and haven't stitched a thing yet only played around with the embroidery a bit. Its in my craft room with the rest of the "had to haves" I've bought and never used lol.
Have you candled them? You should be able to tell if any if the air sacs are detached. That is reasoning behind leaving the tuner off. However, I have been told by several people that have much more knowledge and experience than I, that improper turning, especially early on can cause development issues and/or problems during hatching. What kind of turner do you have? If the eggs are sitting up, then I think you should be fine. I set goose eggs - my first and only time with shipped eggs. I let them rest at room temp for about 12 hours. I wanted to do 24, but couldn't handle it anymore! :). I turned my turner on as soon as they hit the incubator. I hope that helps, and I course this is just how I did it. :)

Also - got the tiny diapers from "The Gooses Mother". Been looking at the adult versions and I'm thinking I could make my own. I could have made my own baby versions if I had of seen one in person. The pic online wasn't the greatest. But, now I know for sure that I can make the baby version easy peasy. :)
Have you candled them? You should be able to tell if any if the air sacs are detached. That is reasoning behind leaving the tuner off. However, I have been told by several people that have much more knowledge and experience than I, that improper turning, especially early on can cause development issues and/or problems during hatching. What kind of turner do you have? If the eggs are sitting up, then I think you should be fine. I set goose eggs - my first and only time with shipped eggs. I let them rest at room temp for about 12 hours. I wanted to do 24, but couldn't handle it anymore! :). I turned my turner on as soon as they hit the incubator. I hope that helps, and I course this is just how I did it. :)

When we get shipped eggs we let them sit at room temperature for 24 hours. We have never had any problems with hatch rate on shipped eggs except one time that was our fault. We have an automatic turner that is on as soon as we put them in.

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