"Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

Ahhh seeee I didn't even think of it for this use lol. Being able to raise them to cooking age without the crow! Or fighting. Don't have to give away or sell boy baby's! Even possibly in the city!
I have 8 mixed breed cockerels to capon tomorrow , it is my first attempt I hope all goes well. Hopefully in a few months we will have gumbo.
Caponizing huh? Sounds like fun. Hope it goes well for you.

I got 16lbs of tomatoes and banana peppers sliced and diced today. All fresh from my garden. Its all ready to be made into salsa in the morning. It is going to be D-licious!!!!

And I have been getting eggs everyday from my new hens I got from Terri. Super glad about that! Its been a pretty good day even though my Mister is gone again for military work. Glad its only for a few days.
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Sounds as if you need my version of (live) traps here, mine are the Deluxe model Catahoula catchalls(3 of them) esp. anything that has fur on it in this area besides them. LOL from mice to big big cats and coon to beavers which are b@d@$$ they were trained over in the Atchafalya river bottom to learn how to survive in the worst of conditions gators and all in other words they were throwed out to the wolfs and had to fend and find for themselves they ate a lot of crawfish and pecans in between their catches and kills for meat. I rescued them from those harsh conditions and they are some of the best dogs I ever had or ever saw. They really appreciate and obey me they know who the provider is. BJ he's still in training but doing a fine job at learning from the elders Granny/Two socks(given name), She responds to Granny round here, BJ's mom and an excellent catcher/killer and trainer to her boy to carry on the traditions/hunting expeditions LOL Scrapper dog(aka.Scrappy,which he is and he love his scraps too LOL) Grannies full brother and is shown here with his proud kill and his evidence he does earn his keep around the place. He caught the "posssum" while tied up on that 5 ft. lead one night and defured him just to make sure if it was playing possum and did crawl off later it would most likely die of exposure without its coat on, LOL I sent this picture to folks showing my dog had captured an elusive chupacabra, HUH? LOL Jeff Chupacabra? can you see it LOL This is Lilly BJs full sister she still lives over at Simmesport she is a good catcher/killer too they all got it honestly/genetically
Glad I don't have fur!! Lol
Good morning! I have a couple of free minutes (gasp!) and I thought I would catch up on the past week or so and drop by to say hello! :)

Right now they are mostly curious. They've pecked it some, but aren't too interested yet. I'll keep you posted.

These are the girls I got from ssterling. Aren't they lovely? They will be in their own big girl coop by the end of the week. Then I'll start trying to blend them in with the big girls.

What pretty pullets!

Hey guys, I was just perusing around the internet looking for a dna website to sex my chicks ( I read about this on the "Silkie Thread"). I found a few that ranged from 10 to 25 dollars. I just ordered 3 for my 2 cochins and my silkie! SOOOOOOOO excited.!  You fill out the info on the website (mailing info and such). They mail you how many kits you want and then you pay for the results, I'm assuming because they didn't ask for payment info. I used the one that was $10 per chick. Here's the website I used.


Can't wait and I will post as soon as I find out!

Thanks for the link! I may look into this for my gosling.

I have 8 mixed breed cockerels to capon tomorrow , it is my first attempt I hope all goes well. Hopefully in a few months we will have gumbo.

I am very curious and can't wait to hear how it went for you.

I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!

I found the pics on my phone from this week's "rat hunt". If you have a rat for a pet, you may not want to look at the these pics.

Once you shine the light on them, you point, aim and fire. It's a done deal. This high powered pellet gun can take out a squirrel, raccoon and possum. Only problem is that you have to re-load after every shot. That kinda sucks but it is what it is. It gives the critter time to get away. :/

My air rifle is a BEAST!





Were those multiple rats?? Rats come right after snakes on my "do NOT like at all" list. I don't fool around, just eliminate. My wood floors bear the shovel scars from an encounter. I don't know why a person would want rats for a pet. NOT judging, just don't understand. My granddaughter's room pets at school last year were two rats. Ugh. I just don't understand. Sorry.

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