"Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

Been busy today cleaning the yard with my family so snakes can't get our chickens anymore. Recently we have had two snakes. One was in our garden and got two of our hens. My uncle killed one of the snakes. He couldn't get the other one. The snake was able to slither to the woods. Our hens we lost were Spottie (a Dominique) and Tango (a Black Orpington). If anyone knows any tips about keeping snakes away please tell me!!! We do not want to lose any more of our flock.
Get some guineas & let them free range & you will not have any more problems with snakes. Everybody all around us has killed snakes - this is our 2nd year w/guineas & we've had zero snakes.
Sorry to her you lost some girls. Snakes usually will take a chick or eggs but a hen is rarer

Clearing debris piles and trimming long grass/weeds helps A LOT. Takes away hiding places. Depending on the snake (king snakes, rat snakes, Gofer snakes, non venomous water snakes) you may want to put them on the other side of those same woods alive, you want some around or you'll have an influx of rodent problems. Which can end up being a bigger problem than the snake. Venomous snakes should be handled by experienced persons and relocated to non people areas or killed if a continuous threat.
If they're getting inside to kill find out how. They can get thru chicken wire. Change it to half inch hardware cloth wire, fill any holes check for cracks in boards.
If they're getting attacked free ranging, its harder. Clearing the hiding spots is great. My aunt uses a garlic/leek spray (her excess she grows she mushes all together raw making a horribly strong tea and sprays that liquid) along her fence line to her woods and swears the snakes don't like it and he hasn't been bothered since.
Thank you for the info!
I'll have to try to mix up something like that... We thought the coop was pretty much snake proof but I guess we were wrong!
Get some guineas & let them free range & you will not have any more problems with snakes. Everybody all around us has killed snakes - this is our 2nd year w/guineas & we've had zero snakes.
Thanks!!! I've heard guineas are good at keeping a lot of things out the yard! I've heard they are very noisy too though... We were thinking about getting possibly getting a peacock. I wonder if they would keep snakes away too...
Can anyone tell me what's the best way to keep my chickens cool in the summer. As you know it gets hot here in Louisiana.

All they need is shade to go to when desired and plenty of water close by so they can tank up often. I have never lost a bird due to Louisiana heat or cold. I have raised many and have had many (thousands literally)


they won't drink the water if it is over their body temps so keep it in the shade too, no need for frozen water jugs just ambient water is fine.
Thanks!!! I've heard guineas are good at keeping a lot of things out the yard! I've heard they are very noisy too though... We were thinking about getting possibly getting a peacock. I wonder if they would keep snakes away too...
There's a forum on guineas here that has a lot of useful information. You need to hatch them yourself or get them as day olds so that they'll stay. They can be noisy - they make great watchdogs -- mine will sound off if anything strange comes on "their" property - stray dogs & cats even. They will gang up & circle & raise their alarm call. I love them - it's like having living, breathing comic strip characters. We've even had people stop to ask what they were. Peas will also attack snakes. Kuntrygirl has some peacock eggs incubating right now if you're interested. Peas are also very noisy!

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