"Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

Hmmmm chicken swap Feb. 1 @ OKeef's . Do I risk going or not ???????
morning everyone...well was busy doing work till 3am....and its been like that for 3 days..finally a day to relax...not quite tho..have to change out the peas place and the chicken coop and clean the incubator...put wire up on the coops and install doors and plastic...I guess not having a day off
great web pages for information regarding incubation

everything plays a factor to the hatch....in the incubator as well as outside the incubator
Hmmmm  chicken swap Feb. 1 @ OKeef's   .  Do I risk going or not ???????:th

Depends who you are getting them from, biosecurity is a big deal and we got to be careful. That being said I wouldn't have a problem buying from some of the breeders that go. Quackleberry farms is usually there and they are really nice and seem to take good care of their flock, they have chickens and ducks. :) I'm sure there are others too.
Good day everyone :) I candled again today to remove the eggs that needed to come out. There were a lot that I couldn't tell what was going on in them. Took out 13. A few with blood rings one had an embryo that died, some never started. Pam, the legbar egg with the rolling air cell was cracked . Somehow I missed seeing it. They definitely got jostled around. There is one that is still alive. Some of your bielefelds are kicking also. :)

Camping, how are yours coming? You got babies yet.
Good day everyone :) I candled again today to remove the eggs that needed to come out. There were a lot that I couldn't tell what was going on in them. Took out 13. A few with blood rings one had an embryo that died, some never started. Pam, the legbar egg with the rolling air cell was cracked . Somehow I missed seeing it. They definitely got jostled around. There is one that is still alive. Some of your bielefelds are kicking also. :)

Camping, how are yours coming? You got babies yet.

Sorry you lost some eggs. Glad to hear some are alive! It would be great if you wound up with a pair of legbars with your Bielefelders .
Camping you've been to quit that's unlike you. What's up peeps yet? Pam
I'm pretty sure there will be quite a few that won't make chicks. There's only one legbar left the one that is alive. So if it survives it will have to pretend to be a Biele, :)
Out of the three you sent, one with rolling cell, one developed a bloodring so I guess it quit, then the one left still alive.

If it makes it I hope it's a pullet :) or he may be eaten. LOL. or crossbred
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