"Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

Six have hatched! Two EE/RIR, three leghorn/RIR, and one RIR at my best guess. Three eggs left, no pips yet. Still, a 50% hatch isn't too bad!


Chick #1 (Pip) is a giant fatty who's already trying to eat everything. It came from an 86g egg. I'm hoping for a pullet. :fl


Pip and chick #2 (Rocket) on the right, chick #3 and almost chick #4. Rocket was under two hours from pip to hatch. Chick #3 was only half unzipped when it came out.



I've had stragliers I would leave it one more day. Pam
I'm bringing the chicks back to the lady tomorrow. She said she would keep them and when I get back from GA, I can pick as many as I want! :celebrate I think two is plenty, the big fat EE mix and the biggest leghorn mix.

I'm giving another day or two for those last three, just to be sure.

Maybe I can find some hatching eggs from a BYCer in Georgia, or somewhere along the way? ;)

They sleep a lot, and aren't walking very well. Is that normal? The red one seems a little puny, too.

I'm bringing the chicks back to the lady tomorrow. She said she would keep them and when I get back from GA, I can pick as many as I want!
I think two is plenty, the big fat EE mix and the biggest leghorn mix.

I'm giving another day or two for those last three, just to be sure.

Maybe I can find some hatching eggs from a BYCer in Georgia, or somewhere along the way?

They sleep a lot, and aren't walking very well. Is that normal? The red one seems a little puny, too.

Give them some electrolytes in their water -- or if nothing else, sugar.
Kackling, you take great pics! I see your getting your other fence up. Looks great!!

Pam, You see I posted my husband (remember the oath ) . Chicken math= 34 - 20 + 4=18 He don't know it yet but seeing you guys post pictures of raising eggs he might be surprised what I have in store for 2016

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