"Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

Hi everyone! I live in evangeline parish. I got my first bunch of chickens a few months ago and two pekin ducks Christmas eve. I have four duck eggs in the incubator and plan on adding some chicken eggs on day 7. My chickens wère fine last time the temp dropped but it's supposed to get low 20s and rain/snow/sleet mix Friday. Do I need to get a heat lamp for them?
I have only kept heat lamps on birds under 2 months. once they are fully feathered they have no need for them as long as they have a decent shelter out of the wind. The more birds the more warmth too. so if you have two it would be more to think about than if you have 30

Do my eyes deceive me? :eek: God I've missed you. We all wondered if you were ok with the flood. Jeff asked me about you a few weeks ago. Hope you are sticking around. Let the games and :lau laughter begin. :celebrate :lau :lau . How have you been? Did I say how much I missed you? Yep I did. :gig . Life ain't nothing but a funny, funny thing thank god your a kuntrygirl. ;)
Hi everyone! I live in evangeline parish. I got my first bunch of chickens a few months ago and two pekin ducks Christmas eve. I have four duck eggs in the incubator and plan on adding some chicken eggs on day 7. My chickens wère fine last time the temp dropped but it's supposed to get low 20s and rain/snow/sleet mix Friday. Do I need to get a heat lamp for them?
As long as they have a coop and it only stays below freezing at night they will be fine. They tolerate cold better than heat. If frost bite is a concern you can cover colb with Vaseline . Pam
Hi, I'm a newbie so first time with cold weather tonight. I live in Bush and quite cold tonight with possible sleet. I pulled the tractors up on the covered patio and put blanket over sleeping area. Is there anything else I need to do? Any help is appreciated.
Awww. Well thank you. I've been MIA for a while. Thanks for the nice words. I'm back!!!

OMG!!!!' Kuntrygirl!!!! I thought of you so often. Pam texted me and only said "go to BYC." Then I saw your post. Thank you, Pam. I haven't really been on BYC since the old guys fell away. Welcome back. You were missed. I don't know who all is back. Primrose is long gone. I have this beautiful girl I got from Pam.


Here's my beautiful boy Jackson.

Woohoo. You are back.
It is easy to worry about your birds in this cold weather .. but remember that they are built for the outdoors and have the best possible down jacket on to protect them. If they are out of the wind and out of the rain they can handle amazing temperatures. Sleep soundly your birds with A OK in the morning

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