"Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

It's great to see so many posting again!
My flock is still at a neighbor's barn, but they seem happy there and the neighbor is really enjoying them. He's really been a blessing!!! It'll prolly be the summertime before I can build a new coop here and move some of them home again (got to finish the house and move back in first). I've hatched 4 or 5 batches since October and will have some nice birds to add to the group for both of us.
Everyone stay warm!!
It's great to see so many posting again!
My flock is still at a neighbor's barn, but they seem happy there and the neighbor is really enjoying them. He's really been a blessing!!! It'll prolly be the summertime before I can build a new coop here and move some of them home again (got to finish the house and move back in first). I've hatched 4 or 5 batches since October and will have some nice birds to add to the group for both of us.
Everyone stay warm!!

As to the cold, my first year I put heat lamps outside pointed toward the coop, but BYC members said what was said above: keep out of a draft and they will be ok. Also, you don't want to bundle up their coop to be air tight, without ventilation (but not draft), their poop creates gases that can harm them. When I built the removable sides to put on the coop in the winter, I left a couple of inches along the top for ventilation. I also use a poop sling which I make sure has plenty of fresh straw covering the poop (in the sling and on the floor because my old girl sleeps on the floor). Here is the coop with an example of the wooden inserts which go all the way around the coop on all sides in the winter. I just take them down when the weather warms up.

OMG!!!!' Kuntrygirl!!!! I thought of you so often. Pam texted me and only said "go to BYC." Then I saw your post. Thank you, Pam. I haven't really been on BYC since the old guys fell away. Welcome back. You were missed. I don't know who all is back. Primrose is long gone. I have this beautiful girl I got from Pam.


Here's my beautiful boy Jackson.

Woohoo. You are back.

I was wondering if you logged on. Bet she will be on during the week. Pam
As to the cold, my first year I put heat lamps outside pointed toward the coop, but BYC members said what was said above: keep out of a draft and they will be ok. Also, you don't want to bundle up their coop to be air tight, without ventilation (but not draft), their poop creates gases that can harm them. When I built the removable sides to put on the coop in the winter, I left a couple of inches along the top for ventilation. I also use a poop sling which I make sure has plenty of fresh straw covering the poop (in the sling and on the floor because my old girl sleeps on the floor). Here is the coop with an example of the wooden inserts which go all the way around the coop on all sides in the winter. I just take them down when the weather warms up.


Your coop looks great. Awesome reusing thrown away wood.
Awww. Well thank you. I've been MIA for a while. Thanks for the nice words. I'm back!!!

SO GOOD to see you back! I no longer have my birds, except for 2 male guineas who roam all over the place, but I do check in almost every day. Maybe we can get something going again here. Facebook has been bad for most forums - but there is such a wealth of information here, I hate to see this one go down the tubes, too.

will probably get some guinea keets from Petrus when they get them in which will be a few months from now. I no longer have a coop or run - had all of it torn down, so I'm basically starting over from scratch....considering a chicken tractor again, maybe....we did it once, we can do it again.

we'll see how family health issues pan out & go from there. At least I can get my "chicken fix" on here!

Best wishes for 2017 for everybody here!
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SO GOOD to see you back! I no longer have my birds, except for 2 male guineas who roam all over the place, but I do check in almost every day. Maybe we can get something going again here. Facebook has been bad for most forums - but there is such a wealth of information here, I hate to see this one go down the tubes, too. will probably get some guinea keets from Petrus when they get them in which will be a few months from now. I no longer have a coop or run - had all of it torn down, so I'm basically starting over from scratch....considering a chicken tractor again, maybe....we did it once, we can do it again. we'll see how family health issues pan out & go from there. At least I can get my "chicken fix" on here! Best wishes for 2017 for everybody here!
I have tried to keep things going. Your so right about Facebook . You would be surprised how many people read older post for everyone's wisdom. To bad they don't post. :confused: . Love that coop/ tractor. I'm selling a few breeds, pairs and trios, that would fit right in that tractor just perfect. :lau. Just kidding I know your taking care of family. Glad your back. A lot of newbies are showing up that can use good advice. Pam
How early will they crow???
I've had a couple campines crow at 4 weeks but this morning I had a mixed breed crow at exactly 2 weeks old. So cute!!!
Quit teasing me Pam - I MIGHT take you up on that trio! I have the big fenced in dog yard still...... just need to get another tractor... I no longer have that one in my pic, it fell apart a couple of years ago.

A coworker gifted me with a couple dozen grapefruits from her tree, so just finished a batch of ruby red grapefruit- meyer lemon jelly -- Wowza! this stuff would be great over a pork loin or chicken -- and it's just fine over a hot biscuit, too!

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