"Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

hiya fellow coon-azz
I hear ya on all the above!! It's really gross!! But hey I got 15 eggs from 18 girls yesterday!! That means 12 out of my 15 babies are laying and they were 23 weeks on Friday!! Woo Hoo!!! I say that but I tell ya I hear people talk about the egg song!! But here it's more like the egg massacre.. You get a couple of them laying and you wonder who's in there torturing them!! Man, what a horrible racket!! Poor babies!!

Hey LA-yers, just chickin' in havn't reported (griped
) in a few days. Its nice and sunny here but boy that little breeze today has a little bite to it still yet.

Yeah, I was sure glad that we only got about 2% of the 30% forcasted for yesterday and I think none is expected for quite a few days now this coming week. I'd really love to be able to till my garden spot this weekend and let it dry a little more as its already past time to plant Irish potatoes should have planted them this past weekend. Just maybe by the time it gets dry enough to plant we won't have to worry about anything freezing by then (did I say maybe) this weather is so crazy right now. Anyway maybe if it doesn't dry out soon enough I might go ahead and plant a rice and lillypad crop IDK
might just start raising Bull-frogs instead of chickens.

Ya'll keep'er on the high spots and out of the ruts and maybe we'll make it outta all this mess sooner rather than later.

OMG...I am so ready for spring also. And as Missy1197 mentioned about the mud... sick to death of it! It's time for some warm days and drought conditions. Skip the hurricanes though.
Lazy hot days here in SELA!

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