"Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

the yellow one (sunny) is blind, but he can bite you hard! and the white one (rainy) she kinda has a messed up beak....when she eats she scoops the seeds up
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They're too cute, Sassy. I've got Indian Ringnecks, Cockateils, and Finches. I just bought a few Finches last week, and one of them has crossbeak. I didn't know finches could have crossbeak. It's young, so I'm hoping it doesn't get too much worse.

Well, gotta go play with chickens now. Mary says my leisure time is over. lol
Is everybody enjoying this great weekend weather? I can hardly bear to stay inside!
Those are pretty 'keets Sassy.

Here's a pic of our Peetey--it was just about a year ago that we got him. It was pouring down rain & we were standing under our carport watching it when he suddenly flew in. He landed on a shelf. He was thin, cold & soaking wet. I put my hand out & scooped him up & he's been with us ever since. Don't know if he's a wild one who lost his way or a pet who flew off--never saw any 'lost parakeet' ads & nobody claimed him. He was skittish at first but settled right down & has been happy ever since.


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