"Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

I think Mike has call ducks. About the muscovys, you may want to go with less than 10. They multiply like rabbits. LOL.
Once the girls start laying eggs and hatching, it all goes downhill from there. lol. Just joking. If u can control the number that hatches, u will be ok. That was my problem. I let it get out of control but at the same time I have enough duck in the freezer for me and will be processing 30 more, so as far as meat, I'm stocked. Duck gumbo is yummy.

The muscovies are pretty big so a half dozen would be plenty to start with. Im jealous that you have so many ducks to eat. If you were closer I would buy some meat from you. I miss eating duck gumbo. It is rare that you find duck for sale in the grocery store. I used to hunt them but its been years since I did that. Next Spring I will get some eggs from you to hatch some if you still have them. Thanks for the response.

Let me know when you are ready for some duck eggs. I will give you a few FREE dozen duck eggs. I am always on duck egg overload. The only thing that I will warn you is that I have a 99.98% hatch rate on the duck eggs. Just about EVERY duck egg that is layed hatches. I think maybe only 5 eggs out of 150 didn't hatch for whatever reason.

Around the Holidays, I am always going in the stores to see how much they sell ducks. I went to Super 1 last year and their ducks started at $17.00 - $25.00 for 1 duck. I was like WOW !!!!!!
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Julie, how else do you prepare duck that's easy??? When you process them to you skin them?? Thanks...

Yes ma'am. We skinned all of them. We put wax in a large boiling pot outside, dipped them in the wax, let it cool and pulled everything off. It was rather easy. The only problem that we had was that the large gallon freezer bags were TOO SMALL. I didn't realize how big the ducks were. As we tried to put them in the freezer bags, they were not fitting in there and we ruined several bags because they were busting. So this next time, I will try the 2 or 3 gallon freezer bags and see if that is large enough.

The only dishes that we have made so far are:

1. Duck Gumbo
2. Roasted Duck (ideas from the Lay-ers on this thread)
3. I have made duck soup (without the blood as called for my some of the recipes that I saw)

Will be doing a Duck Dressing (kinda like making cornbread dressig or rice dressing but will be using duck) for Thanksgiving.

I have been looking for duck dishes that sound tasty. There are a lot of easy duck recipes out there and I can't wait to try as many as I can. As I make more dishes, I will let you know. Thanks for asking.
Julie, how else do you prepare duck that's easy??? When you process them to you skin them?? Thanks...

Yes ma'am. We skinned all of them. We put wax in a large boiling pot outside, dipped them in the wax, let it cool and pulled everything off. It was rather easy. The only problem that we had was that the large gallon freezer bags were TOO SMALL. I didn't realize how big the ducks were. As we tried to put them in the freezer bags, they were not fitting in there and we ruined several bags because they were busting. So this next time, I will try the 2 or 3 gallon freezer bags and see if that is large enough.

The only dishes that we have made so far are:

1. Duck Gumbo
2. Roasted Duck (ideas from the Lay-ers on this thread)
3. I have made duck soup (without the blood as called for my some of the recipes that I saw)

Will be doing a Duck Dressing (kinda like making cornbread dressig or rice dressing but will be using duck) for Thanksgiving.

I have been looking for duck dishes that sound tasty. There are a lot of easy duck recipes out there and I can't wait to try as many as I can. As I make more dishes, I will let you know. Thanks for asking.

Thanks!! That definetly gives me some ideas!!
I can't honestly say that I ever remember eating duck to tell you the truth!!

ETA: I take that back I have had Turducken....
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Anybody ready for some LSU football ?

Hey all , hope everyone is doing well . My broody Rock Barred is still broody . She eats and drinks , then gets back on a nest of nothing , and she hasn't laid nary egg since
this began a week ago . I need some input , how can I snap her back into reality , oh and her comb is red . Someone asked about the color of her comb . My Blue Red
Laced bitties are growing like weeds . Since I am a man I will say they are getting handsome instead of pretty . lol

Found a much better scratch grain and Tractor Supply sells it . Has several grains in it opposed to just milo and cracked corn and it is .50 cents cheaper than what
I have been buying from Petrus . They sell two types of chick starter also . One is a low protein and the other has 20% protein in it . A bit pricey on those , but no
more than I use we can swing it . One gets a discount on X amount of pounds bought , but I don't know exactly how much . Will know Monday as I am going back
and I will let you all know .

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