"Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

Maybe I can't see it in the pics but his eye really doesn't look bad. Are you sure their sick??

WAIT!! She want's you to PAY her to take the chickens back???
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Good idea! Get them out of there and gone. Not worth losing your flock. That's one reason I'm so glad that I hatch my own birds.

Golly. Now I'm rethinking that I will keep two roos -- just so I can hatch more of my own down the road. That just sucks!

Hey can it get any more beautiful than this morning? 67 balmy degrees & nice north breeze -- have the house open & NO AC running! Jim finally had a good night's rest & is feeling cheerful today!

Went outside & picked some satsumas off our tree; had those for breakfast along with toast & little sausages and fresh laid eggs over easy!

Sounds like you you and Jim had a well rested night and woke up to a delicious breakfast on this nice morning. Ain't life good.

Yes Terri, you may want to re-think keeping your roos. In all of my years having chickens and other animals, I have only received any animals from about 7 people in my lifetime (2 BYC'ers Terri and Gracie, an old man in North Louisiana who sold me my 2 Peacocks, an old man who I have always bought my guineas from, an old man who sold me my first rabbits about 10 years ago, an older couple who have me my first Barbado and Kathadin sheep many years ago and my neighbor who gave me a goat) and I have had NO PROBLEMS with any of the animals at all. EVERYONE got GOLD STARS as far as having beautiful and healthy animals with NO sicknesses and illnesses EVER and my neighbor gets a SILVER STAR because the goat is a little devil but that's another story but I wouldn't trade him for the world



I hear so many horror stories about people buying SICK animals and it scares the bee-jeesus out of me. My original flock of animals was from Cackle Hatchery and I have been able to hatch from this original flock. I don't think that I will EVER purchase any chickens from anyone. It's too scary and it's a huge risk that could possibly wipe out my entire flock.
Maybe I can't see it in the pics but his eye really doesn't look bad. Are you sure their sick??

Yep I Thought maybe I was just being weird but then after I took the pic it's eyes got all bubbled up so nope it's sick and the other is sneezing so I ain't taking any chances
In some cases they can transmit the disease through the egg.But not all diseases.However,once it's there its there.Whether you hatch eggs out and get rid of the parents.The contagion is still in the environment.You would hae to completely eradicate and clear for a few months then restart fresh.

I agree with this SO much. You never know how other people take care of their animals. The bad thing is no matter how many time people say "Quarentine" people still don't do it!!
Maybe I can't see it in the pics but his eye really doesn't look bad. Are you sure their sick??

WAIT!! She want's you to PAY her to take the chickens back???

No I paid 11 for the two I got because she was selling them for 8. Piece
Super bummed about these two silkies
gosh I hate that they are sick wish there was something I could do. I was also thinking that if a chicken doesn't show signs of being sick how would ya know ? Ya know like what do u do if you find out aftr quarantine that one is sick? Just my brain is going crazy and i read alot of sights about Illnessess and how they are spreadable but are there any vaccines to stop those deceases?
What breed are you looking for and how many?

I wanted to get some call ducks. I like the looks of those and they supposedly have a nice disposition. I also like to eat ducks. I hear muscovys taste good so I might like some of those, but Im concerned about the disposition of the muscovies. I would only want from 10 to a dozen of them.

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