"Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

I use ACV in my mix of FF it only takes about 48 hours to get a good ferment going. I feed about 6 lbs a day to a mixed age flock of about 40. They will darn near knock me down to get to it too. I also mix in a little DE and Nutri-Drench everybody is healthy and we are getting great eggs. This week I plan on adding some alfalfa to my mix. I will pass what I find on. Happy Sunday.
I use ACV in my mix of FF it only takes about 48 hours to get a good ferment going. I feed about 6 lbs a day to a mixed age flock of about 40. They will darn near knock me down to get to it too. I also mix in a little DE and Nutri-Drench everybody is healthy and we are getting great eggs. This week I plan on adding some alfalfa to my mix. I will pass what I find on. Happy Sunday.

I thought DE was to put on the ground for mites. What does it do for them in their feed?
Soooo sad. Found my BCM rooster dead today. He was underneath a plastic tub I had in the yard. Apparently he flipped it on top of himself and it got so hot he smothered. That tub has been back there for months, never saw it as a danger. I raised him from a chick, 4 years ago. Thankfully I have a little Roo that looks and acts as sweet as he was. :(
Soooo sad. Found my BCM rooster dead today. He was underneath a plastic tub I had in the yard. Apparently he flipped it on top of himself and it got so hot he smothered. That tub has been back there for months, never saw it as a danger. I raised him from a chick, 4 years ago. Thankfully I have a little Roo that looks and acts as sweet as he was. :(

I am so sorry. How sad. I am going to store my plastic tub in the morning, how could anyone anticipate it would be dangerous.
Been busy today cleaning the yard with my family so snakes can't get our chickens anymore. Recently we have had two snakes. One was in our garden and got two of our hens. My uncle killed one of the snakes. He couldn't get the other one. The snake was able to slither to the woods. Our hens we lost were Spottie (a Dominique) and Tango (a Black Orpington). If anyone knows any tips about keeping snakes away please tell me!!! We do not want to lose any more of our flock.
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Looking forward to new and interesting things to read about.
This is my first post and my first flock. Let me tell you, I figured out chicken math quickly!!! I started out with 6 and now have 12, it would be more but I have been trying to stay away from trade days. I have a few questions for you all. First, all of the hens were born in February, but none of them are laying yet, is this normal? My flock consists of Rhode Island Red, Langshan, and Jersey Giants. They have a half acre fenced in clearing and a 1/4 acre wooded area to free range in, 2 gallon water reserve in both areas as well as in the coop, constant feed, oyster shells and grit at all times as well as most table scraps. They seem happy and love to be pet. I have seen them sit in their nesting boxes and searched all areas, but no eggs. My rooster also started mounting them about a month ago. Second, and possible reason for number one, I am confused as to what age they molt. Almost every night for the last two weeks when I go to close the coop a few will shake and I have a feather cloud. It seems like they are in molt as I rarely have even a minor conflict in my coop and new softer feathers are coming in quickly. Also, I clean my coop daily and use sand so it is not old feathers. Almost everything I have read on molting says that they don't molt until after a year old, could they just be in a early molt because of the heat? Third, what are the ways you keep your flock cool? I put ice in one of their outside water containers and have found that the Langshans like to take a bath in it much like the dust baths they take, the rest either stand in it or drink it. I have heard of some people allowing access to small pools, would any of you advise this? If so, I have a large shaded pond only one gate opening away from their area, should I allow them access? I know this is a lot, and I thank anyone that responds. I have tried to look up my answers, however most people with these posts live in much cooler climates than ours. Heat effects everything and everyone.
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Sorry to her you lost some girls. Snakes usually will take a chick or eggs but a hen is rarer :(
Clearing debris piles and trimming long grass/weeds helps A LOT. Takes away hiding places. Depending on the snake (king snakes, rat snakes, Gofer snakes, non venomous water snakes) you may want to put them on the other side of those same woods alive, you want some around or you'll have an influx of rodent problems. Which can end up being a bigger problem than the snake. Venomous snakes should be handled by experienced persons and relocated to non people areas or killed if a continuous threat.
If they're getting inside to kill find out how. They can get thru chicken wire. Change it to half inch hardware cloth wire, fill any holes check for cracks in boards.
If they're getting attacked free ranging, its harder. Clearing the hiding spots is great. My aunt uses a garlic/leek spray (her excess she grows she mushes all together raw making a horribly strong tea and sprays that liquid) along her fence line to her woods and swears the snakes don't like it and he hasn't been bothered since.
Been busy today cleaning the yard with my family so snakes can't get our chickens anymore.  Recently we have had two snakes.  One was in our garden and got two of our hens.  My uncle killed one of the snakes.  He couldn't get the other one.  The snake was able to slither to the woods.  Our hens we lost were Spottie (a Dominique) and Tango (a Black Orpington).  If anyone knows any tips about keeping snakes away please tell me!!! We do not want to lose any more of our flock.
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