"Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

It is most likely that the days are getting shorter. I have a large flock and they are also moltng, so they are only laying about 10% of their summer production, now. I have plenty roos and they don't seem to lay any better with fewer or more roos. It's just that time of the year. We had such a mild winter, the hens didn't stop laying since last summer, so it was time for them to molt, I think.
I think you will enjoy the roos as dinner. I don't ever process hens, so I use all of the roos. I use them in gumbos, stews, etc. Tastes the same as a hen. :)

I am cooking 2 roos for dinner tonight and they smell great. Tonight's roos Will be stewed with gravy and rice. :drool They taste a lot better than the store bought type and you know what they ate. I used to sell all of my roos to a local chef, until I started cooking them myself. I know why he was so glad to get them. I could go to my local livestock auction place,(they do not auction poultry, but you can sit in the parking lot and sell your poultry)and get $5 to $10 for extra roos, but between us and the dogs, we don't have any extras, anymore. I am fattening up a couple dozen roos and a half dozen tom turkeys and plan to fill a freezer for the winter. The weather is just wonderful, I love this time of year! I always have more roos than the girls want and the hens will actually hide from them wen the are too many.


I didn't have any extra roos this year but I'm looking forward to next year. I only have extra toms.

I hope you enjoy your stewed roos, gravy and rice tonight. :drool
Yep I'm hoping it was the heat that made them stop , their all of egg laying age and I think they all decided to molt also, but my neighbor thinks it may be because I got rid of my roo and that's when they seemed to stop laying, so hopefully soon I will start getting eggs again . And I really like your basques, and I've been itching to get my incubator running again just don't have any eggs to hatch :(

Honestly, I don't think rooster have anything to do with egg production!  That's just my opinion though.  Curious to see what everyone else thinks


I agree with Gracie.
I am cooking 2 roos for dinner tonight and they smell great. Tonight's roos Will be stewed with gravy and rice.
They taste a lot better than the store bought type and you know what they ate. I used to sell all of my roos to a local chef, until I started cooking them myself. I know why he was so glad to get them. I could go to my local livestock auction place,(they do not auction poultry, but you can sit in the parking lot and sell your poultry)and get $5 to $10 for extra roos, but between us and the dogs, we don't have any extras, anymore. I am fattening up a couple dozen roos and a half dozen tom turkeys and plan to fill a freezer for the winter. The weather is just wonderful, I love this time of year! I always have more roos than the girls want and the hens will actually hide from them wen the are too many.
Yeah me too and that was just what I was thinking the only way a rooster effects laying is hindering it from pestering the hens making them uncomfortable or hiding and not eating properly, it doesn't take rooster to produce the eggs, the hens do it all on their own. It does take a rooster to make the eggs hatch though and not by them sitting on them either

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I agree with Gracie.

Have to jump on board with Gracie and Julie,..
 If we have a rough or aggressive roo it sometimes stresses them a bit and we can get fewer eggs.  ( those roos then get renamed "Gumbo")

And I agree with Yvette about roos stressing them out. When I had my gazillion roosters, they did stress the hens out. So glad I processed them.
production pets! thanks for answering!
I was going to suggest Hupp Farms in TX,.. they have beautiful SQ Aussies,.. and they are working on a Blue Austalorp,
,.. and aveca here on BYC has some of the best SQ Aussies,..and are so very helpful,..
if you want production birds,.. ( can't go wrong with Aussies,. they are my hero egg layers!) there is a small family hatchery in Kiln Ms that has nice birds,.. Southern Farm Hatchery http://www.southernfarmhatchery.com/
They ship small orders. Nice people.
o and I'm trien to sale my three easter egger hens they will be a year in october and lay green and blue eggs they came from mpc was thinking 30 for all three ?

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