M I Crooked Letter Crooked Letter...ahh, nevermind....Mississippi

Oh he is so cute!

If you don't mind me asking, how much did he charge for a rooster? I am considering adding a rooster to my flock (I don't have one right now).

Thanks for the link, Mandy.

Bit the bullet and went out to the breeder in NE Jones County. Gentleman has a nice poultry breeding outfit set up, and sells beautiful Rhode Island Reds, Barred Rocks, Dominickers, and Buff Orps, as well as bantams, guineas, and I'm not sure what else. I brought home an absolutely wonderful Buff Orp rooster, big fluffy fellow only about 7 months old.

Ten dollars. He had a couple others around the same age and size, and one about two years old. They all looked really good.

Allstock Farm, LLC
Gene Reimert, Manager
74 Harb Purvis Rd.
Laurel, MS 39443


After only a few days, Maurice is taking his job as a rooster very seriously, while showing to aggression towards me, I am glad to say.
Central MS here, I just found the MS thread. Hello MS

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