Mahonri's 3rd Annual, BYC Easter Hatch-a-long!

Here's my short story!!!

My husband and kids had been desperate to go camping, even though it was late March/early April. I'd put them off because I remembered our last spring camping trip as being really cold. But, with spring break that week, I let them talk me into it.

Two days before our departure day, it began to snow. Hard. It was one of the bigger snowstorms we had over the winter. I had my doubts about camping, but everyone still wanted to try, so the trip was on.

Then, we remembered the white leghorn chicks we adopted a few days earlier. Being a first time chicken mom, I was really worried about their well being. Since they were still little, they need a lot of food and water, and we weren't sure how they'd do at home for 24 hours. So, what the heck. Let's bring the chickens! We transported them in the truck in an Easter bucket.

We get to the camping spot, and checked in with the camp host. She asked the usual questions, and it's business as usual. Then, she asked if we brought any pets.

Oh dear. Is there any way to answer this without looking like a total lunatic? Nope.

Me: "Um, we brought 4 chickens"


Me: "Well, you see, they're only a couple weeks old, and need to be fed so frequently that we didn't think they could be left alone overnight"

Her: "..."

Really, what do you say?

That night, I discovered (yet another) reason that most people don't bring chicks camping. They would not shut up!!! peep peep peep peep peep peep peep all night long.

After a while, I realize that it IS awfully cold in the trailer. I look at the thermometer, and it's 44 degrees. Furnace isn't working. We realize it's a battery issue, so we change batteries. An hour later, their peeping wakes me up again. This time, we're out of gas. I tried to put a blanket over the brooder box (which is in the shower in our trailer) so that the light would be more effective at keeping them warm. The chickens were still noisy, but were quiet enough that I can sleep.

I will never take chickens camping again.

Haha!!I have a story similar to yours(well not really but it reminded me of this):I found this pet purse for dogs, to carry them around. Well, I decided to get it because I thought it would be cute to put my chickens in for when they're going to shows. I went to check out and the lady at the cash register was like " so are you going to be putting a little cat or dog in this purse?" My answer was" Ummm, no a chicken." The lady cracked up laughing!
I love the Banty egg fantasy, SCG! Since you get 3 entries, maybe you should draw a benzene ring on one (just saying).

I'm also enjoying the stories. Didn't enjoy this evening's candling so much, but it wasn't all bad:

17 of my own eggs: pulled 2 clears, others look good

15 shipped EO Marraduna Basque: 3 definite quitters, I'm pretty sure the other 12 are doing something

10 BBS French Marans: 7 quit or are clear, 2 look weird but put question marks on them, 1 is alive

7 Wheaten/BW Ameraucanas: 3 quit, 3 look weird (added question marks), 1 is alive

Our in-progress mobile hoop coop under construction will hold 2 breeding pens, but it looks like I will only have one breed, unless there is a miracle. I could always do more hatching! :D

I am confused by candling. Some of the eggs were REALLY FULL of a dark mass, which is what I expected them to look like. Then I looked at a Basque egg, and there was not nearly as much mass, so I thought, probably a quitter, and then I could see the heart beating! That is the reason I only pulled out ONE of the Marans eggs, even though I am sure there are 6 more duds. In fact, I only pulled 3 eggs total (and 2 were my own). I'm hoping I'll feel more certain at lockdown.
I now have 46 eggs in the incubator (down from 49), and I expect I won't have more than 34 for lockdown.

LOCKDOWN QUESTION: if day 18 is technically Wednesday at noon, is it better to lockdown at 7 a.m., or 5 p.m.?
LOCKDOWN QUESTION: if day 18 is technically Wednesday at noon, is it better to lockdown at 7 a.m., or 5 p.m.?

Whatever fits your schedule best. I have locked down a day early knowing that I wouldn't have the time to fuss with the eggs the next day.

Wish we lived next door, our little chit chat over the fence with you in the mornings or evenings, would keep me smiling.
Cynthia it would be great to have you as a neighbor.
I was just talking to one of my friends back in FL today. Miss having other women to chit chat with face to face.
Agreed, title is perfect!

Ok I have an "egg art" contest submission...

(Have I mentioned how bad I am at art?)


I call this... Banty Egg Fantasies

For those of you that need a caption (don't feel bad, even my stick figures need captions... but I can draw a mean benzene ring, go figure) - it's a banty egg looking in the mirror and seeing a huge double yolker.

PS Both were delicious for breakfast this morning.
Haha!!I have a story similar to yours(well not really but it reminded me of this):I found this pet purse for dogs, to carry them around. Well, I decided to get it because I thought it would be cute to put my chickens in for when they're going to shows. I went to check out and the lady at the cash register was like " so are you going to be putting a little cat or dog in this purse?" My answer was" Ummm, no a chicken." The lady cracked up laughing!

I can definitely see how the two stories would strike a similar chord. I love your chicken purse!!

As to the colored chicks: I had wanted chickens for a couple of years, had even built a coop. I didn't really know/think about breeds. It was just before Easter, and I stumbled across an ad for colored chicks. That sounded fantastic, so I bought four. I figured they rubbed vegetable dye on them when they were a day or so old. I later learned they actually inject the dye into the egg before the chick hatched. It's illegal in many states, and fairly controversial. At this point, I wouldn't buy colored chicks again because I wouldn't want to encourage the practice, but the chickens did have a happy home with us.
I can definitely see how the two stories would strike a similar chord. I love your chicken purse!!

As to the colored chicks: I had wanted chickens for a couple of years, had even built a coop. I didn't really know/think about breeds. It was just before Easter, and I stumbled across an ad for colored chicks. That sounded fantastic, so I bought four. I figured they rubbed vegetable dye on them when they were a day or so old. I later learned they actually inject the dye into the egg before the chick hatched. It's illegal in many states, and fairly controversial. At this point, I wouldn't buy colored chicks again because I wouldn't want to encourage the practice, but the chickens did have a happy home with us.
Thanks! I've thought about taking one of the chickens out in public in it someday(like in tractor supply or a pet store) just to see the looks that I would get from people.

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