Maine Swaps 2011

Now not meaning to start anything, but I was reading an article and chatting with folks about the spread of Merek's Disease. Guess its here and here to stay. So if you order chicks, get them inoculated at first day old. I plan on buying some to have available when we have the next hatch day.

There are also a lot of people wanting older chicks/ready to lay birds, so if you wish to make some financial gain, that could be the route to go if you have the room. I have received several calls on types of birds and layers.

After going to the Poultry Congress show in Springfield, Mass Saturday, I have the fever for a awesome Chickenstock in Oxford!!! There will be piglets for sale, not sure what else there will be, hope we can rally up a good time!!!
Keep in mind folks, I have a standard black Cochin rooster. He is 1 year old, from show quality birds, yet has vulture hock. He does have a wing tag for any reference. We saved him from the stew pot...and SHE turned up to be a HE. Really sweet, easy disposition. Great watchdog for hawks (his size) and I love this breed because they are like puppy dogs, always happy to see you, just don't try to eat anything. They land on your plate assuming you set it down for them. LOL lug nuts! (yes, I keep adding this so if one hasn't read it, a new person may have missed it !)
How COLD is it?

The only hope we have in this area at the time being is to chuckle over how cold it is. Be it as cold as a steaming egg! (bad I know)
Or its so cold that we dress in layers to the point we look like starfish!

Will our beloved spring chicken events ever come to pass? Cabin fever has set in and I feel chapped
is anyone hatching yet? I started then I got sicker and had to dump all but 6 eggs which I put under a broody silkie. I ended up with 2 survivors. Guess I have to hold off for now.
Yes! I hatched out 20 for New Years and a week later a broody in the coop hatched out 3 babies. The babies are still in the coop under momma, no problems even at -20ish. They aren't growing very fast, but they're hardy. The New Years chicks are in a brooder in my basement. I guess an early spring isn't happening so I cant wait to see what my basement looks/smells like in another 2 months.

You feeling better?
We hatched late season so to have a standard cochin ready for a show...I think she has vulture hock but folks are telling me not to jump the gun. Here is what we did to quiet the boys...1 pullet st Cochin, 2 bantam cochin boys...when the big rooster crows at 4 am , the birds 2 rooms down the hall do not make me happy. So this is what Bob made for us.

Now we added the 2 Mille Fleur D'uccle hens with 1 Mille Fleur D'uccle rooster. So we have a party going on! LOL

Humfrey LeCock comes from RI, very pleased with him, young fella but sweet.

Hoppy, this basket was made special for Humfrey LeCock for his pick up and trip home, we found that the water dishes with thingies that go over the wire fit on this thing. I like the fact that this basket is not to short.

(unfortunately expensive to make but not untouchable.)

Hoppy, how are you feeling??? You get plenty of rest and wish you could make it to the clubs Membership Appreciation day in March. Henry Hamilton will be giving a program on his living in Africa and incorporating poultry. (The Feb meeting is going to be Tom N. speaking on hatching and incubating. Just refresher course) Stay warm everyone!!!
Lakes Region area and work in Westbrook.

When do you think you will want to order? I think we would like to time it so they come around mid-may, when I'm back from school.

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