Maine Swaps 2011

nice basket spook.
I am alive, that's good. I've had a 2nd opinion on my blood but that was of no help (I think the dr is a quack and not a duck)
I am sleeping 11 hours each night and then taking a 3 hour nap about lunch time and have lost weight. I don't have much of an appetite and I have not seen my birds in weeks except for the 2 little ones that live in the house. I am still trying to make plans but I know at this point I really should not. things for me change week to week but I'm never not tired and my blood work is not improving. I finally decided if my dr won't treat me for hypothyriodism even though I have all the symptoms, then I will suppliment with kelp and iodine and after the 1 first dose, I was warm for the first time in I don't know how many yrs. at least I'm not going to bed with the heating blanket on 7 out of 10 with extra blankets just to get to sleep- I can now get by with the standard 4 on the blanket and sometimes have to turn that off. still no diagnosis after 5 months, what's wrong with the medical system that they can't figure out where to send me or how to fix me.

Good grief Hoppy, I wish there was something that I could do for you. That is just not right, Doctors just seem to be careless these days. Personally I've had this doctor in Lewiston that has the compassion and positive influence of a freaking toad. I have had Urinary issues since July when we went to Ohio. So now, 6 months later they have run every test and Tuesday I go to find out the details of a CAT scan, cystiscope and all that blood work.

I just had a thought Hoppy, have they checked your kidneys? Have you gone to a nephrologist? (SP) I know my cousin was anemic, exhausted and a whole list of things that you have explained. You never know, it could be a whole system thing. Dang girl, your to young to be ill :0( ~I do understand a lot of frustrations that you are feeling.
You take care and I'm so tickled that I have received 4 eggs today from our Mille Fleur D'uccles today, missed the 2 eggs yesterday but they hid them! Then to find that the cockerel, was fertile!!! Yippie!
Keep us posted on how your doing! Your in our thoughts and prayers girl. (((hoppy)))
I want to tentatively add one date
may 29th, the annual central maine bird fanciers show and swap at the windsor fairgrounds
last year there was a fee to sell and there were alot of people shopping.
I will add it to the post, also I'll go back and add it at the first page so we can all fill in the blanks. I will have to check for a time.
It is now official, May 7 8 am- 12 noon Tractor Supply Co, Lewiston, ME

May 14 8am- 12 noon Tractor Supply Co, Oxford, ME

June 11 8am - 12 noon Tractor Supply Co, Lewiston, ME

Central ME bird Fanciers Show & Swap May 29 not sure of times yet Windsor Fairgrounds, Windsor, ME

(The Northern New England Bird Fanciers will be holding a show/swap in August, not positive on dates and times yet. )
Looking forward to seeing you there!!!

There will be no 2nd event in Oxford. If someone would like to take it over, please feel free to contact me and I will gladly give them all the information that I have!
Thank you very much!
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Ok, fellow Mainers - I'm desperate. I tried the Trader Joe's experiment and failed miserably. All the TJ eggs did not develop even one iota. Which leaves me the ONE "control egg" (one from my own flock that was refrigerated) left in the incubator with a chick in it. That chick is due to hatch on 02.26.11. Now I realize that something may still happen and that chick might not hatch OR I could abort the mission, but I'm hoping to find someone near me with young poultry hatching on or around 02.26.11 (turkeys, guineas, ducks, don't care, purebred or not) that I could brood this chick with. I've had a lone chick before and while she's a sweet chicken now, she's still a bit socially awkward and really, really obsessed with following me around and trying to get into the house. I don't need 2 of those.

Just to make you feel even more sad:

I'm near Augusta, Maine. Please help me.
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Well, that is SAD! Poor little lonely egg. I sure wish I could help you out. My youngest are almost 4 weeks old now...
Hello, I just might be able to fix your problem. I have a couple large fowl eggs that should hatch around that time. Mutt birds, I think. I cannot say which day because there is a absent minded idiot (that is typng to you now) that forgot to write the dates on the calendar.
So I'll keep you posted, I have one batch around the date you have, then another batch the week after and then the next week. Mostly D'uccle eggs that I don't want to give up those chickie poohs. I'm over here in the Oxford/Norway area. Not to far from you.

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