
Incubator, purring away at 99.5. Sure wish the Welsummer eggs that were supposed to be here on July 31st were actually here... USPS Priority Mail... Priority my ***, if my eggs can't make it here in less than 5 DAYS! AAAAARRRTGHHHJJVGFKPSDUBJL!!!!

If anyone in Maine has some fertile Welsummer eggs that I can buy locally, let me know.

Finally showed up today. Priority mail, on the 5th day... Eggs looks great though, and I feel pretty comfortable with my incubator now after 4 hatches in it. Just hope the PO didn't scramble the eggs too bad.
So, my coop is covered in DE as a preventative measure against lice/mites. Yesterday, I was cleaning out the coop and noticed these super tiny little grayish/brownish bugs on the one edge where there happened to be no DE. I freaked out checked some birds, no signs of mites/lice. Then frantically searched Backyard Chicken's website for photos of these horrible little creatures. Realized they aren't lice or mites. Must be some type of chicken poop eating little bugs. Anyone have any idea what they may be? It is almost impossible to get a photo since they are so tiny! They are grayish, smaller than a flea, smush easily with slight pressure from a finger, have anntena, seem to live in cracks of the coop filled with dried poop, think they might have six legs, hard to see.
Keep us posted... Living vicariously. What kind of eggs??????

Welsummers, don't know why, but I have wanted them for awhile. This is the second batch I am trying. The first batch I got from a different seller had 0% success rate. Hoping this attempt works out better. Shipped eggs have been my nemesis... My eggs hatch out usually around 85%...

Again, if anyone in Maine has fertile Welsummer eggs, I will come and pick them up!
Hi, I am new on here, I am from Shapleigh, I just got a coop the other day, we are thinking of putting a heating light in it come winter. We got our coop from Coops of Hazard. He said people usually just wrap their coops. I am going to do research. Trying to locate chickens now, want to get about six juveniles maybe 15 plus weeks old. I found a place in Poland that sells them. Anyone know anywhere else?
Hi, I am new on here, I am from Shapleigh, I just got a coop the other day, we are thinking of putting a heating light in it come winter. We got our coop from Coops of Hazard. He said people usually just wrap their coops. I am going to do research. Trying to locate chickens now, want to get about six juveniles maybe 15 plus weeks old. I found a place in Poland that sells them. Anyone know anywhere else?

Welcome! Read about the need for ventilation in coops...really no need to heat. Down works wonderfully. See "my coop" link. I blocked the the open wire run part with plastic last winter, making sure there still was plenty of air flow--just no drafts and hardly any blown in snow. My 5 did great, even with -15 degrees.

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