
Ok, I know you don't want pumpkin seeds, but can I interest anyone in some garlic to eat or plant? Garlic has been grown for a few years on this property (without pesticides). It is most likely some kind of heirloom - I bought a bunch of varieties from seed savers exchange years ago and got a few heads from a friend who has been cultivating for a decade in Wisconsin. I fertilize with poultry poop (mostly duck water but the beds get an infusion of chicken/turkey/guinea/goat feces in the fall). The garlic is hardy enough to survive our winters and be fairly prolific. Better yields if one were to actually manage the garlic crop - plant them at appropriate spacing and actually weed the bed.

I harvested a bunch of my garlic today also. I grow mine as perennials. Just let the clumps continue to grow year after year, let scapes mature the bulbils, and scatter them around to become new plantings in an other year or two. Lots of garlic here!!! Wish onions were as easy to grow. Just bought a dehydrator, so will try my hand at making garlic flakes.
I harvested a bunch of my garlic today also. I grow mine as perennials. Just let the clumps continue to grow year after year, let scapes mature the bulbils, and scatter them around to become new plantings in an other year or two. Lots of garlic here!!! Wish onions were as easy to grow. Just bought a dehydrator, so will try my hand at making garlic flakes.

I cut the scapes, getting a better bulb yield.
I think I'd need to use a scythe to keep up with all the scapes. Every year at this time, I say.... Next year.... Next year, I'll not plant as much and have more space between the plants. My garden is a jungle.
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We harvested garlic this week too. It is a good garlic year!
Had to laugh at the image of hauling water while dodging skunk! We had a couple of skunk families here a few years ago, but nothing this year.

Last night, we were out and I was unable to get all the flocks locked up before we left. I closed up in the dark at 10:30. This morning I heard chattering, and there was the white leghorn, trying to get into the locked run. I have no idea where she spent the night, but she certainly didn't wander in with everyone at dusk. She also has a habit of somehow flying into the bachelor pen more than once a day (over tall fence with clipped wings). I have to herd her back through two doors to get her into the correct pen. She is definitely an entertaining hen, but high-maintenance!
I guess I'll buy a pouch this fall, then. I'll let y'all know if you want 2 seeds.

You'll have to let me know how the pies are with the winter luxury, sounds delicious if you cook it right (whole). The best pie I've made so far was with a hubbard squash.

Can't wait to try. We have pink hubbards from Fedco going as a trial, Eastern Rise.

I'll dicker some pumpkins and hubbards for garlic when they come in, though the hubbards seeds may not breed true since I have acorns nearby.
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