
Yes, it was a nice change for sure. turkey to So is working on the brooder down stairs for the chicks I have now. 19 so far. Now if I can just figure out a way to get the geese here and the turkey to lay eggs two or three at a time... back in business!

Hey, Widget, the turkeys are on 302 in Windham. Bring them here and I will trade you for a pair of turkeys! lol
Yes, it was a nice change for sure. turkey to So is working on the brooder down stairs for the chicks I have now. 19 so far. Now if I can just figure out a way to get the geese here and the turkey to lay eggs two or three at a time... back in business!

Hey, Widget, the turkeys are on 302 in Windham. Bring them here and I will trade you for a pair of turkeys! lol

If by turkeys on 302 you mean geese than maybe I can do something. Wouldn't be able to pick them up until next Saturday though. No place to keep them here other than a crate.
Hose and water tanks are thawed out. I was able to fill the two 70 gal water troughs for the horses today. No more lugging bucket after bucket out to them every day.

And the bees are out and about. I gave them a bowl full of sugar water just in case they needed a boost. No idea what their honey stores are like and no flowers yet for them to get nectar from. Saw a butterfly today too. Think it was a Red Admiral.

The four free ranging chickens are still around. One of the girls finally decided to start laying. Or she started laying in a spot that I can reach. No idea where the others are stashing their eggs. The penned girls, duck and chicken, still seem to be on strike. But then again their pen still has about five inches of snow and ice in it. They could be laying in a spot I still can't reach. Maybe by the end of the week that pen will be a bit less icky and I can start fixing it up.
Hose and water tanks are thawed out. I was able to fill the two 70 gal water troughs for the horses today. No more lugging bucket after bucket out to them every day.

And the bees are out and about. I gave them a bowl full of sugar water just in case they needed a boost. No idea what their honey stores are like and no flowers yet for them to get nectar from. Saw a butterfly today too. Think it was a Red Admiral.

The four free ranging chickens are still around. One of the girls finally decided to start laying. Or she started laying in a spot that I can reach. No idea where the others are stashing their eggs. The penned girls, duck and chicken, still seem to be on strike. But then again their pen still has about five inches of snow and ice in it. They could be laying in a spot I still can't reach. Maybe by the end of the week that pen will be a bit less icky and I can start fixing it up.

It's coming, though. I saw 3 dandelions yesterday.

Assembling the hive today. I think. Those frames are going to kill me.
Hi Fellow Maine Chicken lovers, I am from Standish, Maine . 7 hens and 1 roo in the coop. 7 chicks in the brooder (Thanks to Grace Jr for feeding my addiction LOL) I am itching to start my first attempt at incubation sometime this week.
Good to know, since I sent Spartacus (the buff) to my mother's coop! He is staying there temporarily until Nate has a day free to butcher him, though seeing as my Mom bought an incubator today (and has no other roosters), he may become a long term resident ...
Hehehe you did notice that Robert didn't put his foot down today and stick to his insistence we weren't going to have a rooster... Spartacus must be growing on him :)
Hi Fellow Maine Chicken lovers, I am from Standish, Maine . 7 hens and 1 roo in the coop. 7 chicks in the brooder (Thanks to Grace Jr for feeding my addiction LOL) I am itching to start my first attempt at incubation sometime this week.


I'm in Limington so we are pretty much neighbors. Incubating is fun but also addicting so beware.

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