
I have found that especially with the plastic waterers, but even with the metal ones, if they are not level they will just leak. Until they're empty. I don't have a level spot on this property.

I also keep my waterers outside in the spring, summer and fall, to minimize wet in the coop. I've learned my lesson.
Well, Patrick is building trap nests so we can track winter egg production by hen, and im thinking about trying to grow a couple of red broilers out to breeding age later this summer to add in to the mix - we'll be setting up a pen of compost chickens, and I've been trying to decide how i want to break up the flocks between there, the electronet, and the main coop.
There will be a Bangor TSC swap on May the 25th (good participation, despite bad luck with the weather, have led to scheduling swaps for the 4th, as well as the 2nd Saturday of each month for the Summer.)

Very cute chicks, Ash. My cobrooding Silkies are comothering 4 chicks, 2 blue, 2 splash (Legbarx (Cochin/Wyandotte) mix) who will be a week old tomorrow. They are very energetic. Eat chick crumbles but prefer to "forage" greens (chopped up in bullet) and little bits of cooked egg with milk soaked bread. The moms call them over and feed choice bits to them with a throaty bwack bwack call. It is so cute. Going to try to get some pics in the next few days (now if I could only figure out how to get pics from my I-photo onto BYC!)

SCG, wonderful pics of the Utah scenery (I'm turning a shade of green to rival the new beech leaves around my house. The kids and I used to call the couple of days the beeches burst into leaf "leaf unfurling day").
I am bummed I missed a bunch of you in Bangor this past weekend! I was at the college testing my EMT's on their final National Registry Practical Exam. Are there any other gatherings planned in the Bangor/Ellsworth area?

I pulled out the old truck ladder rack yesterday and it is going to be easier than I thought to make the tractor for the meaties...good news for the Pellepeterson Clan! I will start construction of that gem this weekend...I hope...

I do have a question for you all besides the swaps coming up. My gallon waterer seems to be either leaking or they are having water fights...I filled it this morning, at 1600 it is empty and the chips are soaked in the coop...I filled it, and already it looks like it is leaking. I cannot find a leak, it may be crooked on the blocks...hoping it is that simple. More updates on everything in the woods, it is spring...planted today, corn and peas, made a wee little greenhouse out of some recycled plastic sheeting, now I have more room in the greenhouse!!!

The Central Maine Bird Fanciers Spring Show is slated to take place on Sunday, May 26th at the Windsor Fairgrounds in Windsor, ME.

An entry form can be found on this page:!/events/140600692791289/. All entries must include a copy of Pullorum testing.

Tailgate sales will be available on the grounds, so if you’re looking for a specific breed, many reputable breeders should be there with birds to sell. This is also a good chance to connect with experienced breeders to ask questions and get information.

I'm afraid to plant corn here until after Memorial Day. It's been frosty. Last night out of desperation, I covered one small cluster of flowers on each pear, plum, and peach tree with a plastic bag. Not sure that will help, but some years we lose all the fruit because the blossoms are all killed by frost. I covered a small section of asparagus too. That will come back, but the emerging spears will be damaged.
I am planning to put some corn in the hoop house, but that is full of bolting spinach and other greens still from last winter. I can't seem to get caught up this year.
Re: corn- I've tried doing the transplant method. Looked great as transplants. I used 4" deep newspaper tubes. But it was stunted as it started to mature. Of course it could have been an off corn year for me. I've had much better luck getting an early start by pre-sprouting seeds, then planting them with a sheet of poly over them until they are up and growing well. The old timers say it's time to plant corn when the birch leaves are the size of a mouse ear.

Re: plastic waterers- If uneven ground is an issue, you might solve that problem by orienting the hole on the low side. That will make the water shallow at the other side of the moat, but as long as the hole keeps water over it, more can't leak out.

Echo: can you tell me/us about your electronet set up? I'm not sure if it would be practical in my situation. How difficult is it to move, I assume yours is battery powered? How big is your charger, and what are you using for a ground rod??
Ash, How do you know if bird is a cross? I have no idea what to call my bird below. I know that the roo was called a BR cross. The hen was labeled an EE. I really want to be correct in what I call my birds.
It doesn't matter too much if you aren't breeding and selling or trying to show or educate. I get uppety when folks want to charge you money for lies. I know Hollywood makes a living that way but farms shouldn't. If you have a bird there called a BR cross when you bought it then it is likely a Barred Rock crosssed with... Am I am guessing but it would have been an 'EE' which is unknown. Mix, cross, chicken or pretty. Those all work for me but its not my chicken. Try calling it an Emu lol Maybe folks will believe you LOL
The Central Maine Bird Fanciers Spring Show is slated to take place on Sunday, May 26th at the Windsor Fairgrounds in Windsor, ME.

An entry form can be found on this page:!/events/140600692791289/. All entries must include a copy of Pullorum testing.

Tailgate sales will be available on the grounds, so if you’re looking for a specific breed, many reputable breeders should be there with birds to sell. This is also a good chance to connect with experienced breeders to ask questions and get information.

Did you get a signed release for these photos I wonder? And who owns that Cochin on the top of those pens?? And is that a RED underneath? Red bantam cochins? People with kids need bantam cochins so I hope you can figure it out.

I went to this site and don't see the link for the show registration. I am not much of a FB user so... tutorial for the FB disabled please?
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I'm afraid to plant corn here until after Memorial Day. It's been frosty. Last night out of desperation, I covered one small cluster of flowers on each pear, plum, and peach tree with a plastic bag. Not sure that will help, but some years we lose all the fruit because the blossoms are all killed by frost. I covered a small section of asparagus too. That will come back, but the emerging spears will be damaged.
I am planning to put some corn in the hoop house, but that is full of bolting spinach and other greens still from last winter. I can't seem to get caught up this year.
I'm with you Bucka! I never plant my corn until around June 1st- Even if we don't get any more frost, it germinates much slower in the cool weather, and could possibly rot. I expected a frost here last night, being down a bit in a valley, we tend to get the, but we did not!
Too cute!! The last one has that "You looking at me?!"

"To answer your question, the best thing you can do, rather than label a bird EE which is also a term that has many problems btw (it can be an unrecognized color, poor quality Am or a mix so its used way too liberally at this point) is to just call them crosses, or say Orp Am cross."

Ash, How do you know if bird is a cross? I have no idea what to call my bird below. I know that the roo was called a BR cross. The hen was labeled an EE. I really want to be correct in what I call my birds.

TO be even more specific...haha, the hen came from paris farmers union, and was sold as an "ameracauna"...but for sure it was not pure...and my hen lays a pink egg. ALso, I'd love to see pictures of the rest of the group!!

OH one more thing, My old rooster found a home- I mentioned to my cousin that we were getting rid of him ( we got him from this cousin) and he said "just drop him off over here!" That was easy enough! Things are going better so far with the new guy :)

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