
finished up the duck pen and since there is a storm coming, glad I didn't put them out yet.
Yup. I was outside cleaning up the yard after yesterday's action, stopped for a few minutes to look at the bees and then thought "wow, those bees sure are agitated. And how did it get so dark?"


Stay safe, y'all.
Same here. Hope you find a ride tomorrow. If I was closer...

Can you call a cab?

Don't even want to imagine what a cab would cost with a 20 mile commute. But I did get a ride from a co-worker I work with during the winter at the airport. And a ride home from a friend. Both are going well out of their way to help me out too. I hope to get the truck in the shop around 8. All depends on when the tow truck gets here. Don't want to chance driving myself since it will be a bit busy on the roads with the commuters. It is only about six miles but six miles with no real braking power is suicidal with the traffic. My ride to work is coming at 850 or so meaning I will get to work around 930. Then I get to sit in the break room until 115 before I can punch in. But that means I can read my book. And if I am lucky they will ask me to start early and I can get some OT this week to help pay for the repairs.
OMG, I'm so upset right now. :(

I went to clean out the incubator tonight, 12 eggs didn't hatch, so I startd cracking them open to see when they stopped developing. One was a late quitter. One was about a week, though it was one I expected to quit since it had a hairline crack I noticed after setting it. Then I crack open the third one, blood everywhere... It started gasping for breath in my hands. :( didn't make it, but probably would have hatched in another day or two. :( S I stop and candle them all, no movement, no peeping. S I crack another one... And I can see it breathing through the membrane. SOB

Is there anything I can do for that one? It has a large bit of shell missing now, but the membrane is still intact. What do I do?! Needless to say I stuck all remaining eggs back in the incubator and I'm leaving them there for a few more days.

What on earth is going on here?! They were due Thursday night! A meat probe thermometer and two mercury thermometers have all read 100 consistently. The thermometer from incubator warehouse is reading about 98, and the thermometer I know is off is reading 97. Last time I only used that one, which was a consistent 99-100 the whole time, and hatched 2 days early.
All you can do is put it back in the incubator, increase the humidity a bit and watch it. I've had a few bloody ones and they tend to do okay. They're weak for a few days. You may find that now cracked, his shell membrane dries out and you may have to remove it again when he's ready to hatch for real. I put about a tablespoon of white sugar in their quart waterer to give them extra calories/energy when the first hatch and are really weak.
So sorry about your hatching experience, gracejr! I do not trust my own candling, although a new flashlight helped me some. One thing you can do with the others, as long as they have no pips, is to float test them. I agree with SCG that the membrane may dry out, which might mean you have to wet it and gently peel it off later. You'll know if the chick is trying to get out and can't (because it will keep working for 24 hours and make no progress). You may want to read the assisted hatching page. I'll post the link.
May I vent for a moment; my lawn tractor is ruining my life! We got a husqvarna tractor not even a year ago - one week after we got it the wheels had to be replaced under warranty. Now the spindle has broken for the second time and torn right out of the mower deck. You know, we expect to replace baffles and blades now and then and this machine should be able to handle some small pine tree roots....but no. It is basically destroyed and needs about $400 worth of parts to work again! The service these people offer is HORRIBLE! lowes is no help, my local ace hardware is no help (licensed dealers) and calling husqvarna and having it escalated resulted in a big fat "sorry you HAVE to take it to a dealer. We can't do anything". Oh and the Mandrel for the belt is also broken so the belt falls off all the time.

ARGH! I hate how companies don't stand behind their products anymore. We did so much research into what to get. It was a huge investment for us. So depressing.

Ok. Vent over.
May I vent for a moment; my lawn tractor is ruining my life! We got a husqvarna tractor not even a year ago - one week after we got it the wheels had to be replaced under warranty. Now the spindle has broken for the second time and torn right out of the mower deck. You know, we expect to replace baffles and blades now and then and this machine should be able to handle some small pine tree roots....but no. It is basically destroyed and needs about $400 worth of parts to work again! The service these people offer is HORRIBLE! lowes is no help, my local ace hardware is no help (licensed dealers) and calling husqvarna and having it escalated resulted in a big fat "sorry you HAVE to take it to a dealer. We can't do anything". Oh and the Mandrel for the belt is also broken so the belt falls off all the time.

ARGH! I hate how companies don't stand behind their products anymore. We did so much research into what to get. It was a huge investment for us. So depressing.

Ok. Vent over.
Poor customer service for this company resulted in them receiving poor customer satisfaction response read by hundreds of people! I agree that customer service is often not what it used to be. When a company doesn't stand behind their product, word of mouth advertising should be a wake up call to them! Sorry you're having issues with machine and the company.

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