
May I vent for a moment; my lawn tractor is ruining my life! We got a husqvarna tractor not even a year ago - one week after we got it the wheels had to be replaced under warranty. Now the spindle has broken for the second time and torn right out of the mower deck. You know, we expect to replace baffles and blades now and then and this machine should be able to handle some small pine tree roots....but no. It is basically destroyed and needs about $400 worth of parts to work again! The service these people offer is HORRIBLE! lowes is no help, my local ace hardware is no help (licensed dealers) and calling husqvarna and having it escalated resulted in a big fat "sorry you HAVE to take it to a dealer. We can't do anything". Oh and the Mandrel for the belt is also broken so the belt falls off all the time.

ARGH! I hate how companies don't stand behind their products anymore. We did so much research into what to get. It was a huge investment for us. So depressing.

Ok. Vent over.

That really sucks! Lawn tractors are a must for a big yard- we have a john deere, it's maybe 6 years old- we bought it from our neighbor, and it's been really decent. There are two John deere stores within 45 minutes of us, and they have been helpful. I hope you get it all figured out soon!
Thanks guys. The remaining intact eggs are back in there. Plus broken baby. I didactic search here and found that "will a crushed egg hatch" thread. Covered the open end with scotch tape, so hopefully it will retain moisture that way.

If it makes it, do you think it will try pipping in the open spot or lower on the shell? I can't see through the tape and I would imagine he wouldn't be a le to break through it. And with such a drawn out hatch I don't know when he would be due now. I would guess the bloody one that died would have needed one more day, but chicks have been hatching since Thursday night, and they were all set the same day.
May I vent for a moment; my lawn tractor is ruining my life! We got a husqvarna tractor not even a year ago - one week after we got it the wheels had to be replaced under warranty. Now the spindle has broken for the second time and torn right out of the mower deck. You know, we expect to replace baffles and blades now and then and this machine should be able to handle some small pine tree roots....but no. It is basically destroyed and needs about $400 worth of parts to work again! The service these people offer is HORRIBLE! lowes is no help, my local ace hardware is no help (licensed dealers) and calling husqvarna and having it escalated resulted in a big fat "sorry you HAVE to take it to a dealer. We can't do anything". Oh and the Mandrel for the belt is also broken so the belt falls off all the time.

ARGH! I hate how companies don't stand behind their products anymore. We did so much research into what to get. It was a huge investment for us. So depressing.

Ok. Vent over.
Does the Lemon law apply to This ? if it does make out the paper work take it to them ,tell them you will sign it unless they want to make it right .How it works with cars if you take a car back to a dealer five times in a matter of a few months for the same problem and they can't fix it, or figure it out they have to give you your money back or trade in for something else. This happened to me with a grand am I paid cash for. they couldn't figure it out and blew me off, the car motor would race extremely loud and nothing would stop it at times u couldn't even shut it off. I drove it to the dealers pulled up in front of there door with the engine racing and making a loud noises left it running took the lemon law papers in hand went inside as cust. outside was trying to figure out what was going on with this car. told them I wanted the top head of whomever to come see my car sitting outside, they did 2 minutes later I was told to go pick out another car of my choice plus I added a couple more thousand to the price that I didn't have to pay . I had paid 6,000.00 cash and picked out another for 8,000.00 plus for my inconvience. don't know if this would pertain to your problem , but consumers do have rights. take care
My son and I made a "worm farm" out of some old remnant carpet in a damp shady spot on our property. We were excited to see it worked in less than 24 hours. We just harvested a bunch of worms for some very appreciative chickens. Later we'll add some to our gardens.
I lost my first hen today. Still trying to figure out what happened(I posted something on the predator & pests thread). I'm truly, truly heartbroken. I hate to say it but she was my favorite because she was friendly, loved to be held & cuddled and she always seemed the happiest to see me. I was ready for a loss this soon. I know it comes with the territory and I'm just going to have to grow a thicker skin but this sucks!!
I wish the lemon law would apply. Sadly it has been a different issue every time. I am certainly not one to shy away from writing letters and complaining about this sort of thing. Hopefully I can get in touch with the local rep and if not I will write to head office. I had a bad issue with a large purchase from Sears once and writing in really did help. It was a hassle but I got a $300 refund on a mattress set I bought because they made so many delivery mistakes and I had to keep taking time off work to deal with it!

I am sorry for people losses.....hatching seems so scary but so much fun too.
Well, broken egg is pipping. Fingers crossed! How long would you wait for progress before intervening?
We lost chickens today too. My husband came home and found one hiding in the bushes, missing some feathers and had a broken toe, then went to investigate- he found one dead, completely intact, across the brook, one way across the road and a good way into the woods, dead and head missing, and one is completely unaccounted for. What would do this in the middle of the day? The only thing I can think of might be a fisher? It had to be 3 that we raised from day olds..
I'm so sorry about all the losses.
You may want to invest in a game cam.

As far as the hatching chick goes, I hate to say this, but I know when to intervene just by looking and listening. Has it not progressed for hours? Is the cheeping getting weaker, is it moving less? Can you see if the membrane is dried inside or not? Those are signs that I'd intervene.

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