
Would that be the Ameracauna Civil Liberties Union??
Sorry I couldn't resist!!
I almost lost a roo to heat stroke today. got him cooled down and if he makes it through the night without brain swelling, should be fine. he was in bad shape. I had a meeting that I was at and when I got home I could see he was in trouble. fingers crossed but this is why I keep 2 roos of each breed. things happen
I should think so... with all of the law suits related to gender discrimination, I'm sure the ACLU or some such other organization will be knocking on your door. On the other hand, save your nicest black roo for a couple of years. Teach him some nice manners with the girls, and I'll borrow him for my breeding program in 2015!
I was hatching to replace our hens/pet chickens for laying so the irony is obvious. I don't keep meanies and I tend to reform them quickly one way or the sharp way. IDK what all this business is about picking them up and swinging them and all that. I treat them like another dominant rooster would and that fixes things pretty quick.

Someone suggested the other day that since lizards hatch more males at higher temps and females at lower I should lower the temp on my bator. It was intriguing given that chickens and lizards related.

This heat has me amazed that the birds aren't puddles. I like being able to let little chicks out on the grass though and not worry that they don't have a momma.
This heat is driving me crazy!

Those of you who know me understand that I do this chicken business by myself. Ryan Is a good cheerleader, but not much for actual labor :)

I have tons of growing red bantam cochins - all part of my project to produce better reds ( or at least more for the breed ).

Fans are running and the waterboy (me) is making sure everyone has fresh water.

The Basket Show in Farmington is in about 2 weeks.

Hope this weather breaks - send rain - cool breezes!!!! :D
The fans are running in my coop too!! I take the broody cochin out of the box everytime I go outside. She has no eggs under her and I have no rooster.
I agree with everyone re: this incredible heat. To top it all off, we're on vacation this week... good news, except that I'm miserable with a cold, gaggy cough, and a pussy throat... think I need to go get a culture tomorrow. I'd be happy to lay around under a rock all week, but going some every day to at least have a semblance of "vacation". Got 5 eggs today out of my 5 girls. At least they're productive! Have stopped at half a dozen plant nurseries during the last few days, looking for a fragrant Russian Sage. I ran across one several years ago at a previous place of employment, and have not been able to find one with similar scent since. Tempted to go Sage jacking with a flash light, but as it was in a guarded area, you'd probably see my mug in the crime section of BDN. "Granny being held without bail for decapitating immigrant Herb with dull knife."

On the positive side, I was amused to answer a knock at my door early this morning. Was met by my across the street neighbor holding up his half filled Japanese beetle trap. He's now bringing me offerings for my girls.
At least she's optimistic. However, she could probably hatch some fertile eggs without going any where near them.

I am in central Maine and just got back to over a week's worth of eggs that BF collected while I was gone. Some haven't been refrigerated (he ran out of room). They've been in the cool garage. Do you need hatching eggs? We have plenty of rooster action over here.

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