
Hi everybody! !!! Just found you guys

Am new to chickens here. We started with quails in March. Hatched from eggs. It was our starting point. Now we are sooo excited to venture out. We will be getting a couple of SLW soon!!! Thanks to Mike aka. Hoppy. Right from the beginning have had my heart set on SLW and Buff Orps.

Happy to be a part of this thread and keep learning and sharing!!
Welcome quailtrail. This is an excellent place to gain education about far more than raising poultry. Enjoy your browsing. So, provide me with some education if you're willing. What got you into raising quail, and what is the purpose of raising these birds compared to raising chickens. Forgive my ignorance. It's fun to see what kinds of birds people are choosing to raise. My personal favorite is Dominique, followed by EE. My girls have been laying for a couple of weeks. Lots of fun to get those first eggs.

This is the new Meat Bird Tractor that Bob built today. He is so creative. He took an old truck rack and added some lumber and a small pitched roof. Now all 40 meat birds are inside this and loving it. He even built his own feeder, getting the idea from my father, Jim Pelletier.
That is a great setup!!! Meat birds make such a mess in pens. With this you can "clean" their area every day and fertilize as you go!

This is the new Meat Bird Tractor that Bob built today. He is so creative. He took an old truck rack and added some lumber and a small pitched roof. Now all 40 meat birds are inside this and loving it. He even built his own feeder, getting the idea from my father, Jim Pelletier.
Welcome quailtrail.  This is an excellent place to gain education about far more than raising poultry.  Enjoy your browsing.  So, provide me with some education if you're willing.  What got you into raising quail, and what is the purpose of raising these birds compared to raising chickens.  Forgive my ignorance.  It's fun to see what kinds of birds people are choosing to raise.  My personal favorite is Dominique, followed by EE.  My girls have been laying for a couple of weeks.  Lots of fun to get those first eggs.

A coworker has both chickens and quails. My daughter went over to visit and came home with an egg. I went over a few days later and I was done for lol!!!! So she gave us a few more. We hatched 2 out of the 4. It was so amazing to see them hatch and grow. They are mature at 6 weeks. We had a male and female. She started laying right at 6 weeks. Being the only female she was looking rough so we got 4 more. Unfortunately after 3 weeks there was fighting and serious injuries and losses. We are doen to 2 females who lay daily. Of course it takes about 4-5 quail eggs to equal a chicken egg. We planned on meat and eggs...but once we saw them, and named them, the culling was off the table!!!
nice but is that an "easy bake" roof?

This is the new Meat Bird Tractor that Bob built today. He is so creative. He took an old truck rack and added some lumber and a small pitched roof. Now all 40 meat birds are inside this and loving it. He even built his own feeder, getting the idea from my father, Jim Pelletier.
further questions re: quail, for quailtrail or any one else who is knowledgeable. My interest has been tickled. So, assuming that one were to get started with quail. How difficult are they to raise? Brooding temp? And if using them for meat/eggs... any studies out there that compare the feed to table conversion of meat and eggs for quail vs. chickens?? I know they are quite a bit smaller. Can they be kept with chickens?
further questions re: quail, for quailtrail or any one else who is knowledgeable.  My interest has been tickled.  So, assuming that one were to get started with quail.  How difficult are they to raise?  Brooding temp?  And if using them for meat/eggs... any studies out there that compare the feed to table conversion of meat and eggs for quail vs. chickens??  I know they are quite a bit smaller.  Can they be kept with chickens? 
they cannot be kept with chickens. They are very easy to raise. They do require a higher protein feed while young. They can eat a lot a similar extras like chickens. They hatch around day 17-18 with the incubator at the brooder 95 and wean by 5 degrees each week.. Mature by 6 weeks. Not as social with humans like chickens :( tho mine come and chat with me while I clean their coop or feed them. I hear they are tasty but haven't gotten there yet!! The eggs are delicious! !!

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